One lazy summer afternoon [[Diana]] the wolf was sitting at home on the couch. There wasn't much to do... Maybe she could call some friends and go somewhere? She wasn't sure if her son had work today, so she figured she'd at least make sure he was awake.
(set: $inv to (a:))(set: $drankvial to false)(set: $madetoast to false)(set: $comfortdamien to false)(set: $foundcat to false)(set: $animequest to false)(set: $freyasoup to false)(set: $sauceget to false)(set: $transformknowlege to false)(set: $drunkmoms to false)(set: $collielove to 0)(set: $damienlove to 0)(set: $freyalove to 0)(set: $eagleeye1 to false)(set: $gumballs to false)(set: $wandstatue to false)(set: $tomdown to false)(set: $drankpotion1 to false)(set: $bucket to false)(set: $seecat to false)(set:$bogusmom to false)(set:$howtobeathackerman to false)(set: $gogetcatfood to false)
[[Go bother Damien->Damien's Room]]Diana decided to go bother her son, Damien, an extremely fun pastime. She stands in front of the door and slowly pushes it open.
The room is painted in uninteresting colors, and posters which lost their relevance to Damien's life years ago adorn the walls, forgotten. Half of the floor is coverred in dirty clothes, mainly striped shirts. He's been hopeless since you stopped doing his laundry for him.
Damien is seated at his desk, hunched over his laptop. An awful late 90's Eurobeat song can be heard from the computer, you're not exactly sure which one because they all sound the same to you. You can't see exactly what he is doing.
"Hey honey, how are you" Diana says, looking at her son across the room.
[[''Damien''->Damien]]'s ears perk up and his eyes widen in surprise. He clicks out of whatever he was doing and switches to some kind of empty chatroom.
(colour:#cd3278)["Uhhh hey mom..."] he says.
[[Ask him how he's doing->How is Damien Doing?]]
Diana's son, ''Damien'', is a young wolf man in his early 20's. He has mostly grey and white fur, and some tan on his arms, legs, snoot and ears in the same pattern as you. He's a spitting image of you, except his grey fur is darker than yours. At least nobody can mistake him for your husband/boyfriend when you go out. He has an atheletic build, despite spending way too much time on the computer. This probably comes from the fact he has a job in [[physical labor->Damien's job]].
Damien was away from home for about two years at college. Before then he was a passionate boy, but when he came home he was quite burnt out and had a slight drinking problem. He claims he's looking for a job related to his degree, but you're pretty sure he's just playing computer games. You wonder if he secretly has depression.
Damien is sitting at his computer, wearing a red and brown ''striped shirt''. His closet is full of shirts, sweaters, and tank tops with this design, which is odd because you don't remember buying any of them.
[[Return|Damien's Room]](colour:#cd3278)["Uhh I'm fine mom."] Damien says, spinning his chair to face his mom.
"Shouldn't you be at work today" Diana asks him. She loves it when he has work on a day she's off so she can do... things.
(colour:#cd3278)["Mom, you know I don't work fridays, except when [[Tom]] is acting up."] Damien says in his monotone 'whatever, leave me alone' voice.
[[Listen in on the call->Hackerman desc]]Damien works at the nearby mall, at a department store. He unloads freight, partly because he's too shy to work as a cashier but also because who wants to deal with the public.
You try to pressure him into letting you use his employee discount card, but he claims nobody would ever think your name was Damien.
[[Return|Damien's Room]]"Hello Damien, mind telling me what the hell is wrong with you?" the voice accuses Damien.
(colour:#cd3278)["Oh my god, shut up. Why are you bothering me over a conversation you weren't even a /PART/ of!"] Damien barks back.
(colour:"red")[**"Well, I mean, you're on my friends list. Thankfully I have an excuse to cut you now, haha."**] the voice says in a condescending tone.
(colour:#cd3278)["Look, I don't know how you even saw that conversation about wearing that ugly-ass hat at school, but can you just lay off?"] Damien asks
(text-style: "expand")[(colour:"red")[**"You're INSANE that whole conversation was INSANE! That was a conversation of PURE INSANITY you shitlord!"**]] the rude voice yells.
(colour:#cd3278)["But that hat was HIDEOUS! Who would wear that thing in public to begin with..."]
(text-style: "expand")[(colour:"red")[**"FUCK YOU PIECE OF SHIT! YOU'RE WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE WORLD TODAY"**]] the voice on the other end is clearly losing it.
Diana steps next to her son and looks down on him. "Damien, who is this rude man?" she asks.
(colour:#cd3278)["Oh, this is Hackerman. He's some guy I know who's always angry and paranoid about every little thing. I dunno why he's bothering me about a conversation in a room he wasn't even in though."]
(colour:"red")[**"I'm glad I found out about it! And who are you talking to, your mom! Hey Damien's mom, your son is a fucking cuck!"**] Hackerman screamed hoping Diana would hear it.
Diana bent down in front of the computer and yelled into the mic "Look you little brat, don't you dare talk that way about my son ever again!" Diana yelled into the mic. Damien holds his palm to his head in embarassment.
Hackerman's voice once again spoke. (colour:"red")["Kid? I'm 30 years old! **You know what? Go to hell, *BITCH*. I'm going to destroy both of you now!"**] he sternly said as he ended the call.
(colour:#cd3278)[//"What the hell is wrong with that guy..."//] Damien complained.
[[Ask about Hackerman]]
[[Laptop->LaptopBattle]]The laptop shoots a beam straight at your head. You duck just in time and it hits a glass vase with glass flowers inside it, shattering it. You have no time to ponder why your son had such a strange object in his room, because the computer has flopped onto the floor and is creeping towards you.
Damien starts backs up to the corn of the room to grab his metal hiking stick. However, the laptop fires a laser out of the webcam and melts the walking stick. Damien growls again.
Diana is pretty sure Damien could smash this thing up, but his magic is horribly underdeveloped and she doesn't want to see her little sweetie get hurt.
Diana readies a magic spell...
[[Cast a Fire Spell->Fire]]
[[Cast an Ice Spell->Ice]]
[[Cast a Electric Spell->Elec]]
[[Awoo|Awoolaptop]] at laptop"Well, Damien's [[old computer]] was destroyed by heat, so a fire spell will kill this thing dead!" Diana thinks to herself.
(colour:red)["FIRE!"] Diana casts with a yell as fire shoots from her fingertips at the computer. The computer shreiks a mechanical shreik. It appears to be melting and the screen is busted, yet it still advances towards you, but now it's on fire.
(colour:#cd3278)["Moooooom, that's not what you should be doing here."] Damien groans. He could probably kick the thing to pieces but you set it on fire so he can't now. Good job mom.
(font:"Lucidia Console")["YOUR MOVE BEETYOTCH"] the computer says in that trademark Microsoft Sam voice.
Better try again.
[[Cast an Ice Spell->Ice]]
[[Cast a Electric Spell->Elec]](colour:"blue")["Ice!"] Diana yells as a flurry of snow and ice shoots from her hands and onto the computer. Ice is water, and that wrecks laptops, right?
The laptop flinches for a moment, but it just goes (font:"Lucidia Console")["HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA"] in that synthesized voice. (font:"Lucidia Console")["FOOLISH WOMAN. I AM WATERPROOF AND COLD JUST MAKES COMPUTERS RUN BETTER! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"] the laptop gloats and laughs. As it moves towards the two wolves even faster.
Damien groans (colour:#cd3278)["Good going mom!"] before jumping out of the way of a laser beam fired by the computer.
Better try again, before you make things even worse. Since when did they make waterproof computers anyways?
[[Cast a Electric Spell->Elec]](colour:yellow)["Thunder!"] Diana yells as electricity shoots from her hands and hits the laptop.
(colour:green)[(font:"Lucidia Console")[(text-style: "shudder")["OH NO. THE THING THAT POWERS ME IS MY WEAKNESS. HOW IRONIC. DAME DAME DAME DAME."]]] the computer uses it's text to speech one last time before shutting down completely. Foul smelling smoke rises from the computer.
(colour:"red")["Nooooooo... Not again!"] Damien gets on his knees in front of the computer and puts his head down. "Sorry mom, I need some time alone..."
[[Leave the room]]
[[Give him a hug]]Your son's old computer was a laptop. It had a state of the art processorthingymaboberino and many gigs of thingummywhat. However, Damien spent so much time in a horribly optimized 3d chatroom game from a decade ago that the insides of it melted.
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last) Tom is one of Damien's co-workers. He has a strange mental issue where he thinks he's an anime protagonist. While management loves the fact that his anime protagonist persona makes him advocate and value teamwork, sometimes he loses it and has tantrums. Last time Damien worked Friday it was because Tom repeatedly punched holes in the wall of the shoe stockroom while screaming "WHAT IS MY PURPOSE! WHERE IS MY HAPPINESS."
He asks his other co-workers to call him "Akira" and gets very angry if someone calls him by his real name. His unstoppable optimism and constantly intense personality get on the nerves of his co-workers, but Damien finds him hilarious.
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last) Damien takes a deep breath, like he usually does when he's ready to share some juicy drama.
(colour:#cd3278)[**"Hackerman is this extremely paranoid, egotistical, angry guy I met in a chatroom online. You know chicken little? Imagine that but a real person. He's always getting mad at people over stupid shit. And the guys such a know-it-all too, he brags about fucking everything. Dammit. He tried convincing me he works for some super secret governmental agency, but then I caught him somewhere else admitting he was IT at an elementary school!
We got along pretty well for a while, until I disagreed with him over something... ah I can't remember. After that he's been constantly getting on my ass over every little thing."]
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last) [[Make some food]]
[[Damien's Room->DamienRoomRevisited]]
[[Diana's Room]]
[[Go Outside]]Diana bends down behind Damien and wraps her arms around his slim body, nuzzling his neck a little. She hopes this will comfort her little sweetie a little.
After she stands back up, Damien gets up with a groan and smiles at his mother. (colour:#cd3278)["Thanks mom. I'm fine, but what are we going to do..."] he looks down pensively.
"Don't worry honey, I'll find a way. I *always* find a way." Diana says with a smirk. But this will be a tricky one.
(colour:#cd3278)["Whatever you do, I've got your back. Just don't embarass me."] Damien replies.
Seeing Damien smile warms Diana's heart. She'd do anything to see him smile.
(set: $comfortdamien to true)(if: $inv contains "bucket")[Give Damien that [[bucket|Damien Bucket]]]
[["What else can I do here..."->DamienRoomRevisited]]"Can't fight this hackerman on an empty stomach." Diana thinks as she walks into the kitchen. The kitchen is quite clean. There is a //[[stove]]//, a //[[refridgerator]]// and a //[[toaster]]//. A pile of //[[watermelons]]// is in the corner.
(if: $inv contains "a bowl of watermelon soup") [Diana considers eating some [[soup]].]
(if: $inv contains "watermelon") [Since Diana has a watermelon, she can make [[watermelon soup]]. (if: $inv contains "hot sauce")[Use [[Freya's Recipie]]]]
[[Go back to looking around the house->Leave the room]]Diana is greeted by the plain looking buildings that mark the north end of Appleville. Past these grey monuments to boring archetecture there are numerous brick buildings housing buissinesses of all kind. The Supermarket and Georgies Restaurant are in the heart of town, right next to eachother. The south part of town is the suburbs, and in the southeastern corner of town is The Mall.
Where should we go?
[[Take the paved trail home|Paved Road 2]]
[[The mall]]
[[The supermarket]]Georgies is one of those restaurants that has a little bit of everything. It's open 24/7, much to the delight of Damien and his friends, who enjoy eating and drinking there late into the night.
Outside the restaurant there is a sign advertising a Corned Beef and Cabage special, however the neighborhood kids have changed it to say "Corned Bee and Garbage."
At the entrance you see the [[grumpy short woman]] who you assume is the wife of the manager, the titular Georgie.
(if: $animequest is false)[If Diana wanted to stop for a bite here, she'd consider [[inviting a friend.]]]
[[Leave|Appleville]]The mall is an indoor mall. Diana enters through the back entrance, where the food court is. As Diana opens the glass doors, she can see the [[food court]] out before her. The floors and walls are a shade of beige reminiscent of decades old malls. Several planters full of sad looking bushes are spread around, flanking benches. Diana assumes there are more employees than shoppers here.
Several of the stores are closed, and most people in the town think the mall is going to close soon. A [[Mall Directory]] can be seen in the middle of the food court. (if: $inv contains "PDA")[(if: $inv contains "cat")[(if: $freyasoup is true)[Next to the directory is [[Freya|Key to Plaza]], sitting on yet another bench. Why not see what she's up to?]]]
Some [[vaporwave]] sounding music can be heard in the distance.
(if: $animequest is true)[Angela needs help at the [[Anime Store]] picking out a gift for her son Kyle.] (if: $magicwand is true)[Why not check out the [[anime store]] again?]
Some stores currently open are the [[Game Store]], and [[Scarves R Us]]
Some words pop into Diana's head that say "Bring a pda, a cat, and a Potion+ to the mall..." what could they mean?
[[Leave|Appleville]]The Supermarket is a fairly cheerful seeming supermarket on the outside, but on the inside it is quite drab. The walls and floor are a whitish-beige color that makes the store seem like a relic from the 90's, or as Damien would call it, [[vaporwave]].
Some slow elevator music covers of pop songs play over the store's loudspeakers. Diana finds the music oddly catchy, since most stores nowadays just play the actual song instead.
The [[food section]] is in the left side of the store, while the home goods and misc are on the right side. The center is mostly clothing while the back of the store is shoes and electronics.
(if: $gogetcatfood is true)[(if: $inv contains "cat food")[Diana already bought some cat food.](else:)[Diana wonders if she could buy some [[cat treats]] to lure the cat down.]]
[[Leave|Appleville]]Diana inserts some bread into the toaster and tries to figure out how to start the toaster.
She thinks she's found the lever to push the toast down, but suddenly the tiny screen on the side of the toaster starts blaring a video about a huge car accident a few towns over. Wrong lever? Whoops, looks like she set the toasting time to Σ:😂😂...
Suddenly, the toaster glows red. However, upon inspection of the screen it turns out the toaster posted about it's use to Tweetbook and someone commented on it in Japanese.
[[Give up]]
(set: $madetoast to true)
(font:"Lucidia Console")[(if: (passage:)'s name is "inventory")[<!--Do nothing-->](else-if: (passage:)'s tags contains "donotshowinventory")[<!--Do nothing-->]
(else:)[Check [[inventory]].]](if: $inv's length > 0)[Your inventory contains a (print: $inv.join(", ")).](else:)[Your inventory is empty.]
(click: "dummy")[(display: "dummy")]
(click: "watermelon")[(display: "watermelon")]
(click: "a bowl of watermelon soup")[(display: "a bowl of watermelon soup")]
(click: "Brigadier")[(display: "The Brigadier")]
(click: "PDA")[(display: "PDA")]
(click: "computer parts")[(display: "Computer Parts")]
(click: "cat food")[(display: "cat food")]
(click: "garbage")[(display: "Garbage")]
(click: "Freya's Soup")[(display: "Freya's Soup")]
(click: "magic wand")[(display: "magic wand")]
(click: "cat")[(display: "cat")]
(click: "special soup")[(display: "special soup")]
(click: "Potion+")[(display: "Potion+")]
(click: "bucket")[(display: "bucket")]
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last) Ein Doppelkeks besteht aus zwei meist runden Keksen bzw. Deckeln mit einer Cremeschicht in verschiedenen Füllungen wie etwa Schokoladen-, Nuss-, Frucht- oder Buttercreme. Doppelkekse erhielten durch die meist industrielle Massenfertigung ihre heutige Popularität. In Deutschland war 2008 fast jeder fünfte verkaufte Keks ein Doppelkeks, was mehr als 50.000 Tonnen entspricht.How fun!
(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "dummy"))
[[Starting Page]]
/*background-size: 500px 500px;A bowl of Diana's favorite watermelon soup in a travel mug.A momwolf's favorite fruitA gas stove. Diana keeps it very, very clean. The bottom right burner is unusable since Damien left a loaf of bread on it and the plastic fused with the burner.
[[Go back->Make some food]]The fridge is a tall, white appliance which towers over the rest of the kitchen.
Diana runs a tight shift, and everything is neatly organized in its proper spot.
[[Go back->Make some food]](if: $madetoast is false)[Diana's toaster is a fancy, overcomplicated, wifi connected toaster named "The Brigidier Toastmaster General 3004". It was a grab bag gift from her creepy uncle who spends most of his time reposting racist articles on the internet.
It has //[[ultra-smart]]// features that connect to an app and the internet to do pointless, irrelevant things. Sometimes Diana wonders if hackers are using it in a botnet.
She doesn't like it, but her old toaster broke and it still works as a regular toaster at least, botnet or not.
[[Make some toast]]]
(else:)[The Brigidier Toastmaster General has been dishonorably discharged.]
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last) (if: $inv contains "watermelon")[Diana would take another watermelon, but they're way too heavy to fit in her pockets.]
(else:)[(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "watermelon"))
Diana takes a watermelon]
[[Go back->Make some food]]Ahh yes, the basement. Where Diana does all her sketchy magic stuff. The basement has been finished to resemble a study room, with various [[bookshelves]] along the walls, full of dusty, magical tomes. Dim florescent light and a bubbling [[cauldron]] in the center of the room set the mood.
Damien hasn't been allowed down here since he tried making a potion for a lewd purpose, which ended with the two of you fighting a giant fly after he spilled some on the ground.
[[See if you have a helpful book]]
[[Go back upstairs->Leave the room]]The bookshelves are full of rather daunting tomes. Your writings on magic and other mystical phenomina are stacked on some shelves. Despite Diana's studies she still is clueless about the true nature of the world.
Hey, it's a hobby.
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last) (colour:green)[BUBBLE BUBBLE TOIL AND TROUBLE!]
Diana ponders adding something to this...
(if: $inv contains "a bowl of watermelon soup")
[Maybe [[pour some soup in here]].](if: $inv contains "special soup")
[Maybe [[pour some of Freya's soup in there]].](if: $inv contains "Brigadier")
[Diana considers [[tossing the Brigadier in here]].](if: $inv contains "computer parts")[I wonder what would happen if Diana tossed Damien's [[computer parts in here]].]
[[On second thought...->Basement]]The vial contains some kind of bubbling cerulean colored liquid. A label affixed to it says "hair growth". As Diana removes the rubber stopper some sort of vapor rises from the glass tube. Are you sure you want to drink this?
[[YOLO it and drink the vial]]
[[On second thought...->Basement]](set: $drankvial to true) "Might as well see if it works, right?" Diana thinks as she raises the tube to her lips. "I mean, if it was bad I wouldn't have made it in the first place!" Diana throws her head back and gulps it down like a shot of vodka.
Diana coughs, then paws at the hair on the back of her head. There is no change in its length at all. Huh?
...Suddenly another realization dawns on Diana. She slowly unbuttons her pants and pulls her panties a little.
"Ah, so it's THAT hair."
[[Enough of this nonsense->Basement]]You look over the books on the shelves. Most of them have no relevance to your current situation, as hackers and computers are typically not coverred under magical studies.
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last) (if: $inv contains "a bowl of watermelon soup")
[Diana already has some soup. Oh you card.]
(else:)[Diana makes some watermelon soup, because that's a real food people make. I'm not joking.
Also, she obviously loses the watermelon in the process. She can always grab another one.
(set: $inv to $inv - (a: "watermelon"))
(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "a bowl of watermelon soup"))]
You know, this soup could be even better if you added a secret ingretient of some kind. You don't really know what specifically.
[[Go back->Make some food]](set: $inv to $inv - (a: "a bowl of watermelon soup"))
Diana eats the soup. Delicious!
[[Go back->Make some food]]The toaster connects to THE INTERNET in order to DOWNLOAD THE LATEST DEPRESSING NEWS ARTICLES, WEATHER, and TOASTING RECIPIES.
Good news millenials, it also connects to an APP so you can make toast from YOUR PHONE through an easy-to-fuck-up process which combines all the fun of wireless printers with the joy of toast.
(Also it won't toast if it isn't connected to the internet, but don't tell nobody bout that.)
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last) "Hold on there, ma'am, you're going nowhere!" says an accented voice.
The screen of the toaster changes to a man with a dapper mustache. He speaks to Diana in the voice of an English chap.
(colour:blue)[*"Ello guvnor, looking to make some toast on this fine day, madam?"*] it follows up.
Diana hesitates. It's never done THIS before, but it's probably some kind of help feature. Might as well go along with it. "Uhhh, sure."
The toaster laughs (colour:blue)[*"Ohohoho, jolly good show. However, it appears I cannot do that. See, a fellow by the name of HACKERMAN has ordered me to destroy you. In the name of Queen and Country, let us duel!"*] the face on the toaster says, giving Diana an angry look as it launches its toast in the air.
Despite the toaster's years of service in the Queen's guard, he cannot do anything to you besides launch toast you put inside him.
[[Knock it off the shelf]]
[[Throw it out the window]]
[[Stuff it in your bag|Stuff it in your pocket]]Diana decides to use a powerful technique taught to her by a master of the ancient martial art of Cat-Fu.
With a blank look on her face and a neutral expression, Diana puts her arm on the counter, behind the toaster.
(colour:blue)[*"Face me, you bloody wanker!"*] the toaster yells.
With a single deft motion, Diana pushes her arm to the edge of the counter, knocking the toaster on the floor. The toaster hits the ground with a loud thud, it's chasis cracking and its screen shattering.
(colour:red)[*"God save the queen..."*] the toaster says one last time before going silent.
[[Get back to where you once belonged->Make some food]]Diana picks up the toaster and looks the Brigidier in the eyes.
"You're going with me, limey." she says as she stuffs the toaster in with the rest of her things.
(colour:blue)[*"Unhand me, foul woman! I am an Englishman not a bag of crisps!"*] the toaster protests before going silent. Unplugging it doesn't shut the Brigidier up, but he does not speak unless spoken to, for that would be foul manners.
[[Get back to where you once belonged->Make some food]]
(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "Brigadier")) Diana opens up the window.
(colour:blue)["Now isn't the time for a fresh breeze, madam!"] the toaster says in a rather cross voice. Diana unplugs the toaster and holds it in two hands.
(colour:blue)[(text-style: "shudder")[*"What are you doing? Unhand me, foul bruuuu-"*]] the toaster protests as Diana throws it out the window and into the neighbor's yard. You never liked that asshole much anyways, let him deal with this thing.
[[Get back to where you once belonged->Make some food]]"What an uncouth woman!"The room is painted in uninteresting colors, and posters which lost their relevance to Damien's life years ago adorn the walls, all of which forgotten except for a poster of a red-haired wolfess from a video game who he seems to have a crush on.
Half of the floor is coverred in dirty clothes, mainly striped shirts and old holey socks, and a few tissues Diana wouldn't dare to touch. He's been hopeless since Diana [[stopped doing his laundry for him]].
(if: $inv contains "computer parts")[The corpse of the violent laptop has been disposed of.](else:)[The [[junk]] leftover from the laptop fight earlier lies on the ground.]
(if: $comfortdamien is false)[
Damien sits forlornly in the room.
[[Give him a hug]]](else:)[Damien is lying on his bed looking up at the cieling.]
[[Search around the room more thouroughly]]
[[Leave the room]]"Why didn't I try this before. This could either be a waste of good watermelon soup... Or I'll make an *amazing* breast growth potion" Diana says to herself as she pours the watermelon soup in the cauldron. With a *FWOOOOOSH* the cauldron bubbles and smokes, a pink steam wafting from the mysterious liquid.
Diana dips a beaker into the mixture and gingerly takes a sip. Oddly, she can feel her legs become stronger, as if she could run a 5k at this very moment.
This potion is pretty good, but with even better quality soup the potion may become stronger.
[[Enough of this nonsense->cauldron]](text-colour: blue)["Bloody hell woman, don't drop me in the drink!"] the brigidier protests as Diana holds him over the caudron.
Diana drops the brigadier into the cauldron with a smile on her face. "Asta la vista, toaster..."
However, the Brigadier bounces out of the cauldron and back into Diana's hands just as he is around half submerged. (text-colour: blue)[I won't go down that easily!]
[[Enough of this nonsense->cauldron]]Diana throws in the computer parts. The cauldron hisses and bubbles, and after a minute a small PDA pops out.(set: $inv to $inv - (a: "computer parts"))(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "PDA"))
Some words pop into Diana's head that say "Bring a pda, a cat, and a Potion++ to the mall..." what could they mean?
[[Enough of this nonsense->cauldron]]The warranty is far past voided...A pda from the 90's, you wonder how people ever used this with the technology we have nowadays.Diana is greeted by the cheerful sunshine of the [[GREAT OUTDOORS]].
There are two roads diverged in the wood. Sorry she couldn't travel both, as she was one traveler, Diana stood long and looked down one as far as she could.
The [[one less travelled by]] was a dirt path that led through some undergrowth. Sometimes people who walk this road are attacked by wild slimes, but you don't really mind. They're free exp, after all. People often drop things on this path, which could be a nice opporitunity.
The [[one for fucking normies|Paved Road]] is a sunny, well maintained, paved path that meanders alongside a river. One of your [[neighbors->Craig]] lives on this path. Maybe she could pay him a visit?
[[Return Home|Leave the room]]Diana continues down the wooded path.
The grass is vibrantly green, with shades of brown added by the many fallen leaves and sticks. Trees tower over her head, giving their pleasent shade as beams of light peek through, illuminating the undergrowth. Happy little bushes make their homes between the trees, and a squirrel runs across the path, looking for its nutty lunch.
After some more walking, a clearing in the forest is visible-- the town of Appleville lies beyond, trees bending over the end of the path as if it was a portal to another realm.
However, right before Diana can make it to town, there is a ledge she must climb down from. She also is sure she won't make it back up that ledge and will need to take the other path to get home ("Damn my back pain sometimes...")
[[Climb down the ledge and go to Appleville|Appleville]]Freya is a tan and cream furred wolfess who lives in the same general area as you and Craig. She has bright yellow eyes like Diana's son, but she also has sharper fangs than most wolves seem to. Diana suspects she's part insanity wolf.
She speaks very eloquently sometimes, but that gives her sarcasm and the condescending things she says a sharper bite.
Damien is *crazy* about that girl, but you find her kind of snooty. Nevertheless, you're glad he made some friends. But is she really his friend?
[[Return->Paved Road 2]]
[[Speak to the wolfess]]Your neighbor is a man in his 30s named Craig. Craig is a duuuuuuuude who lives near the river. Diana doesn't really know about him, but he's chill AF and says "duuuuude" a lot.
Craig is also very concerned about litter, and picks up any piece of it he sees. You remember once he told you he caught Damien eating a piece of garbage in the woods. That can't be true... can it?
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last)The river flows freely, with some slight waves. The water appears brown, which is pretty common for rivers in this area due to the dirt. Most of the area around the river is occupied by various shrubs and plants, but there is a small little beach area, probably intended as a boat landing. The river looks like a nice place to sun oneself.
(if:$foundcat is false)[There is also a faint meowing from time to time. Is there a cat somewhere?
[[Try to find the cat->Kitten]]]
[[Return to the road->Paved Road]]Diana tracks the source of the meowing to a tree far off the beaten path. In the tree there is a small grey kitten. It is quite frightened, and is mewling loudly. (set: $gogetcatfood to true)
"Don't worry kitty, I'll find a way to get you down!" Diana barks at the cat, however her canine voice just makes it shake in fear.
[[Awoo at the cat]]
[[Cast fire on the tree]]
(if: $inv contains "cat food")[Attempt to [[Lure the cat down with food|[Lure the cat down with food]]]
[[Go back and look for something you can use here->River]]Smells funky but tastes decentDiana enters her room
Various things can be checked within
[[Leave the room]](align:"=><=")[(font:"Veranda")[(colour:#e619e5)[(text-style: "expand")[ **Momwolf VS HACKERMAN**]]]](align:"=><=")[(link: "SAVE 🐺")[(save-game: "A")] (link: "LOAD 🐺")[(load-game: "A")]]*Creeeeeeeeeeeak*
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last) Diana pulls open her closet.
Diana's closet is full of various clothing and dresses. On the left side of the closet there are many striped sweaters in different colors and styles.
[[Back it up->Diana's Room]]Diana's bed is a comfy king size bed. She's had it since before her son was born. The sheets are lilac and have cute little watermelons with smiley face on them. So cute!
She really wishes she had someone in the bed with her. For the whole night.
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last) The painting hanging over Diana's bed is some kind of abstract painting. To the untrained eye it looks like a bunch of random lines and beige and brown rectangles arranged in a senseless pattern. In reality, to NON-PLEBS it is an abstract representation of a farm field. Diana and her son don't get it, but she just keeps putting off asking Damien to put it in the basement.
The painting is a gift from Diana's creepy aunt who thinks she's a housecat and eats nothing but eggs.
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last) The nightstand is where Diana keeps small articles.
[[Back it up->Diana's Room]]So leeeeewdDespite living in the woods, Diana and Damien are within walking distance to the heart of [[Appleville->towndesc]] the town where they make residence.
Diana has a [[car]], but she enjoys walking so much more.
[[Return|Go Outside]]Appleville is a quiet suburb. Not much happens, it's just the typical yuppies getting really pissed off about lawns buissiness. However, Diana remains vigilant in case of magical happenings.
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last)Diana's car is a blue sedan from over a decade ago. The car is only worth about $100 in value today, so even the smallest door dingie will make the insurance company total it out. The air conditioning doesn't quite work right, and Damien always complains about the smell of the car.
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last)Diana took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. However... A fearsome [[SLIME]] blocks her path!
The slime lunges at Diana, but she dodges deftly. This really isn't anything new, it's just a slime.
[[Kick it]]
[[Use a fire spell]]
[[Awoo at slime]]
[[Flirt|Flirt with Slime]]You don't know what you could use them for, but you pick up the broken computer parts.(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "computer parts"))
[[Go Back->DamienRoomRevisited]]A slime is a quivering green blob with a goofy smiley face. They're usually only a threat to small children and the very elderly, but you shouldn't just let it kick your ass.
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last)Diana reaches her foot back to kick the slime, her usual way of dispatching the little pests. However, at just the right moment the slime bounces out of the way, making the wolfess fall flat on her back.
"Ow ow OW!" Diana yelps as she hits the dirt path. Looks like she's going to have to wash this sweater again...
[[Try again?|one less travelled by]](colour:red)["FIRE!"] Diana casts with a yell as fire shoots from her fingertips at the slime.
The slime goes up in flames. As the flames dance, the slime hisses and melts into the ground.
You got 4 XP and $10! Not that it means anything.
(if: $inv contains "garbage")[[[Whatever|Second Path]]](else:)[However! The slime drops [[garbage.]]]
Diana awoos at the slime.
It does nothing, but feels a sense of foreboding that a $350 fine is in her future somewhere.
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last)A young couple rides past Diana on their bicycles. A cool breeze can be felt and heard rustling through the leaves of the trees. Appleville is only a short walk away.
(if: $freyasoup is true)[It appears Freya has left. She probably went to the mall.](else:)[Sitting on a bench on the path is a brown furred wolfess. You recognize her as [[Freya]].]
[[Speak to the wolfess]]
[[Go to town|Appleville]]
[[Head towards home|Paved Road]]Diana avoids the woods and walks the inviting paved path along the [[River]]
The walk on the riverfront is a pleasent experience, as always. The babbling of the river gives a calming white noise as one feels the rays on sunshine warming their body.
[[Craig's House]] can be seen nearby.
[[Return Home|Leave the room]]
[[Stay on the path to town|Paved Road 2]]Craig lives in a modest one-story house with a red roof.
[[Talk to Craig]]
[[Return to the road->Paved Road]](colour:"pink")["Oh, hello there Miss Moon!"] Freya greets Diana with a wave and a smile. She is wearing a pink jacket with a tight white shirt underneith.
[[Talk about soup]]
[[Flirt|Hit on her]]
[[Return->Paved Road 2]]Talk about soup? Well, it's something.
"So, make any good watermelon soup lately?" Diana asks Freya.
(colour:"pink")["Oh yeah, I make it all the time. I like to use Jeff Mangum's Avery Island hot sauce, it gives quite a nice sense of spice as well as additional depth of flavor. The coolness of the melon melds with the heat of the spice. It's an amazing experience."] Freya says, closing her eyes and saying it with a triumphant tone.
"Jeff Mangum? I think Damien listens to him..."
(colour:"pink")["Yeah, he was in some hipster band. Now he sells hot sauce. I hear he's a hermit who lives in the mountains now. *And* he doesn't even own a computer!"]
Jeff Mangum's hot sauce? Diana's never tried it before, might as well give it a shot. (set: $freyasoup to true)
[[Return|Speak to the wolfess]]Usually Diana only sticks to younger guys, but have you *seen* the rack on this girl? Grrrf!
Freya just shakes her head and sighs. (colour:"pink")["Really Miss Moon? First your son sneaks into my closet, then this? Uff da..."]
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last)Damien growls if you try to touch his stuff. Looks like this place is off limits.
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last) Diana looks up at the cat and lets out a howl.
The cat runs down the tree. Diana tries to reach down to scoop it up, but the kitten is way too fast for her old bones, and it climbs up into the tree next to the one it was in before.
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last) That's a really terrible idea.
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last) Double-click this passage to edit it."Awww shit, sup mama wolf!" Craig reaches out his fist to Diana, expecting a fistbump. Diana does not know how to react, and shakes his fist like a hand. Craig just laughs. "Oh you." he says while gasping for air. "So, whats shakin'?"
Diana shrugs "Trying to stop another egotistical madman with some half baked evil plan. The usual."
Craig laughs "Ahaha, you really are a hard working lady. Good luck on that, if you need any help don't be afraid to ask, lady wolf."
Diana smiles and nods. Craig's a friendly guy.
[[Go Back|Paved Road]]When the slime disappeared it dropped a bag of garbage. Like, a literal black plastic bag of garbage. Is this how you find neatly tied garbage bags up in the middle of nowhere?
It isn't terribly big, so for no apparent reason you decide to carry it around with you.
(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "garbage"))
[[Whatever|Second Path]]Diana buys a can of cat food. This should get that kitty down, because according to the can "No cat can resist some cat luv"
There is a picture of a surfboarding cat on the can, indicating this is salmon flavored. It also looks radical as hell.(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "cat food"))
[[Return|The supermarket]]There is a grumpy, short hostess at this restaurant. She's about half Diana's height, and even with the large size of most wolf women that's still quite short. Diana's fairly sure she's the manager's wife.
One noticeable thing about her is she yells at people who play cards in the restaurant, whether it's Go Fish, Poker, or Magic the Gathering.
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last) Vaporwave is some sort of thing that has to do with slowed down old music, greek busts and windows 98. Damien is really into it but Diana doesn't really understand why he listens to slowed down chopped up 80's music instead of the glorious 80's music itself. However, she appreciates the whole aesthetic of it because it reminds it of her younger years.
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last) This cat food is produced by the Cat Luv cat food company. Lately they've been having issues where cans of fish jaws are labeled and sold as cat food, due to them being canned at the same plant.Pretty unremarkableIn the box there are mostly old papers. One curious thing is an issue of Playwolf with Diana as the centerfold. Diana was the centerfold two times, once back in the 80s and another time very recently when the magazine was on some kind of "retro" kick where she posed with a currently popular young wolf woman.
Diana still keeps in contact with that woman, even though she can get quite long winded in conversations.
[[Back it up->Diana's Room]]By friend you mean the collie woman who lives down the road, [[Angela]]. You have an important mission, but that doesn't mean you can't stop for, well uhh, GATHERING EVIDENCE.
(if: $animequest is false)[Why not [[Invite Girlfriend]]]
[[On second thought, don't->Georgies]](set: $animequest to true) Diana takes out her phone and calls up Angela.
"Hey babe want to go out for lunch?"
(colour:#32cd32)["Ahhh, Diana. I wish I could but I'm at the mall... I was going to go to that Animu Store to get a gift for my son. Would you like to join me first?"]
"Yeah sure!" Diana said with a smile. She told the short woman "Sorry, I'll probably be back in an hour or so." and left.
[[Leave Georgies|The mall]]Angela is a chubby, fluffy rough collie mom who lives down the street from Diana and Damien. She's a teacher at the community college Damien went to, and despite living so close, Diana only met her during Damien's orientation.
She's very affectionate and loving, but is somewhat shy and can get flusterred around people she doesn't know. Contrary to her often shy personality. ometimes he gets in oddly lusty moods, which Diana loves in the right place and time (or not).
She has a son named Kyle who is about four years younger than Damien.
You're not sure if this is anything more than a fling so you haven't really told Damien much about your relationship... But you plan on it.
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last) The food section of the supermarket consists of a produce area and shelves. The produce area has many different fruits and vegtables sitting in displays, as well as a side area with some sprinklers that play a sound clip of "Singing in the Rain" when they activate. The veggies look kind of rotten today, must have been singing in the rain too much.
The aisles of the supermarket sprawl all the way to the other side of the store. Flanking the aisles is the meat section as well as a deli and bakery.
(if: $freyasoup is true)[(if: $sauceget is false)[Diana considers looking for the [[Secret ingretient]] in Freya's watermelon soup.]]
[[Return|The supermarket]]Throwing the soup in the cauldron is a waste of good soup, but you feel like you need to do it. Something about "plot progression" (set: $inv to $inv - (a: "special soup")) (set: $inv to $inv + (a: "Potion+"))
As a result of this, Diana gets the same potion, but more potent.
Some words pop into Diana's head that say "Bring a pda, a cat, and a Potion+ to the mall..." what could they mean?
[[Enough of this nonsense->cauldron]]"Uff da, my soup is the best in town."Walking into the animu store, you see [[Angela]]. The plump, long haired collie girl's ears perk up and eyes light up when she sees Diana.
(colour:#32cd32)["Diana! I'm so glad you came!"] the collie says, eyes shining and tail wagging. "I'm trying to pick out a gift for my son, and this store is soooo..." Angela looks around at the walls "Out of my element."
"You're asking the wrong girl, Angela. I don't know any more than you do." Diana wanders to a nearby display and picks up some kind of [[magic wand|magic wand examine]]. "Now this... This looks magical." Diana carries it with her, so she can pay for it when she leaves.
Angela puts a paw to her head and sighs (colour:#32cd32)["Oh Diana, always looking for magical artifacts. Anyways I was thinking of maybe that neat poster over there."] Angela points to a [[wall scroll]].
"Ehhh, he's a 14 year old boy. He probably isn't into that, I *assume*." Diana said, although she's been wrong about that kind of thing in the past.
(colour:#32cd32)["Well, I can't decide if I want to get him this DVD or this little hat here."] The hat is a little tiara of some kind. Why would Angela get that for her son?
[[Ask Damien for assistance]](set: $animequest to false)(set: $magicwand to true)Good idea! Damien knows all about these shows! Diana takes out her phone and gives him a call. He picks up instantly.
(colour:#cd3278)["Sup mom."] Damien says with no enthusiasm whatsoever.
"Wow, you pick up fast!"
(colour:#cd3278)["I have no life or computer, mom."]
"So Damien... Do you know any animes with a guy that has a giant sword and colorful hair? And there's like this girl who gets captured by tentacles or something?"
(colour:#cd3278)["Mom, that's pretty much every anime ever made."]
"Ok, thanks."
[[Describe the wand]]
[[Oh well...]]Diana picked this up thinking it was some kind of vibrator... Turns out it's a magic wand from some tv show that aired back in the 90s. Damien would probably know more about it, but you decide to buy it anyways thinking it looks interesting.
[[Return|Anime Store]]A wall scroll of some kind of girl with huge eyes, wacky hair, and giant boobs. She's showing more cleavage than Diana's most suggestive sweater. SO LEEEEWWWD!
[[Return|Anime Store]](colour:#cd3278)[**"WHOA! NIIIIICE!"**] Damien barks in excitement. "A model Sailor Moon transformation baton! Holy shit mom you HAVE to get that!"
Diana just thought this thing was some kind of wierd candy dispenser, but her son's endorsement only makes her want to buy it more.
[[Return|Ask Damien for assistance]]"I'm getting the dvd. I don't know if Kyle will like [[Meow Meow Catgirl no Daibouken 4]] but it looks cute. I mean, who doesn't like cats!" Angela says, proud that she picked the gift out all on her own.
Diana also makes some time to buy the Magic Wand.(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "magic wand"))
Angela suddenly brushes up against Diana and holds her hand tightly, nuzzling the wolfess with her long-furred muzzle. "Shall we go, my love." She can be so sappy sometimes, but it makes Diana blush.
[[Go on your date]]Ukichi Toshikiko and the MEOW MEOW gang are at it again! This time after their high school is visited by a mysterious yet dreamy boy who totally isn't secretly a vampire overlord, the girls must discover something something.
Damien would make fun of this.
[[Return|Oh well...]]Diana and Angela walk into the restaurant. The usually unfriendly hostess greets them with an unenthusiastic voice "Welcome ta geeorgies, table fer two?"
"Yes please." Angela replies. The two women sit down in a booth opposite of eachother. A young [[deer]] walks on over (colour:"yellow")["Hello ladies? Enjoying a girl's day out? Hehe! What would you like to drink!"]
[[Water]]Sailor Moon? Is she supposed to be my sister or something?Diana bends down in front of the slime, showing off her cleavage under her sweater. "Hey gooey boy, why don't you show me some of those slimey tentacles of yours."
The slime, of course takes this opporitunity to lunge at Diana, knocking her over.
[[Try again?|one less travelled by]]Youma is a term for spellcasters who use their powers to deliberately harm others for personal gain. The term comes from a word for monster in a foreign language. Many youma are skilled in energy-draining, necromancy, and strong transformation, as well as various kinds of attack magic. They use their magic abilities in order to manipulate and enslave people for their own pleasure. The vast majority of youma are anthros, which has led to some stigma against anthros.
While youma are somewhat rarer in this country than many other places in the world, youma are still active everywhere. While cases of youma in this country are slightly rarer than other countries and stories are often supressed by law enforcement, the rest of the world silently observes the youma without sensationalizing them.
Although Diana doesn't actively hunt them down, she is willing to dispatch youma, and has began to train her son in the arts of attack magic in order to defend himself.
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last) Diana searches for Freya's secret soup ingretient. After far too long wandering around isles like a dunce she finds the hot sauce in the soup aisle.
(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "hot sauce"))(set: $sauceget to true) [[Return|food section]]"Jeff Mangum's Avery Island hot sauce" comes from a magical land known as LouisianaA purple robed figure creeps out from behind a tree.
(colour:purple)[//"Drat! That was my meal! I mean cat!"//] the [[figure]] says as it creeps out into the open.
"Oh, what now..." Diana groans.
(colour:purple)[//"I am the NECROMANCER! I was going to eat that cat in order to show how EVIL AND DASTARDLY I AM!"//]
Diana cannot tell if he is a [[Youma]] or some doofus larping in the woods.
[[Ask him who he is]]
[[Drop kick him]]
The figure is a man in a flowing, tattered purple cloak. The man's actual body is unable to be seen under the cloak, so his species and even gender are unknown at the moment.
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last) (colour:purple)[//"Me? I am Sylus Pontificus Smith the third... But I'm known as THE NECROMANCER"//]
Diana shrugged and shook her head "A necromancer chasing a cat? Riiiiiight. Are you going to throw a d20 at me or something?" between his costume, goofy name and foul body odor, Diana assumed this man was some kind of LARPer.
The necromancer crossed his arms (colour:purple)[//"Mmmmph! I am NOT a larper, foolish woman... I am a POWERFUL NECROMANCER! Mwhahahaha!"//] From under his cloak the necromancer pulled out a [[staff]] which he brandished proudly. The Necromancer knocks his staff against the ground, and suddenly two zombies merge from the ground.
(colour:purple)["You know that guy on the news who killed his wife, then married another woman and killed her? //Good thing I knew where they were buried! Myahahaha!"//]
(if: $inv contains "magic wand")[[[Use the magic wand|Use the magic wand alt]]]
[[Cast a FIRE spell on him]]
[[Flirt|FlirtZomb]] at zombies
[[Awoo|AwooZomb]] at zombiesMoon Prism Power, Make Up!The Necromancer's staff is a simple wooden staff with some sort of carving of a skull on the top.
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last) All the trendy moms in those tight yoga pants are all in on self defense, right? Diana never took those classes but she enjoyed *watching* people take them.
Diana summons her inner kung fu fighter and attempts to drop kick the necromancer. However, as her stats are more fitting of a sorceress than a monk, she stumbles and misses.
(colour:purple)[//"Foolish woman, how dare you attack me!"//] The necromancer whines.
[[Ask him who he is]]Good idea! Someone who has something to do with the undead MUST be effected by fire. Diana doesn't want to destroy murder evidence, but a wolfess' gotta do what a wolfess' gotta do.
"(colour:red)[FIRE]" Diana yells as fire shoots from her hands. A fireball shoots from each hand, hitting the zombies. Although they continue to advance towards Diana, they soon slow down and fall over. Now THIS is going to be on TrueTV.
The Necromancer pouts (colour:purple)["You... You killed my zombies! Now I'm *mad*!"]
Oh boy, he's not looking too happy.
[[Cast more fire]]
(if: $inv contains "magic wand")[Take out and[[Use the magic wand|Use the magic wand alt]]]
[[Awoo|NecromancerAwoo]] at Necromancer
[[Flirt|NecromancerFlirt]] at NecromancerDiana shoots more fire at the Necromancer. Despite the size of his cloak he manages to dodge them deftly.
(colour:purple)[//"That won't work on me twice!"//] the Necromancer laughs, charging up some kind of dark energy ball.
[[Try to dodge|Bad End 1]]Diana holds up the magic wand to her chest and closes her eyes.
(colour:purple)[//"What is that, some kind of children's toy?"//] The Necromancer scoffs. "Hahaha, it looks like a vibrator!"
Suddenly Diana's clothes vanish into a flash of light. The Necromancer gasped at the sight of Diana bareing her all. Just as suddenly as her clothes disappeared, her sorceress outfit appeared.
(colour:yellow)[**"In the name of my last name, I will punish you!"**] Diana crossed her arms and pointed at the Necromancer. However the dastardly spellcaster was too busy gasping and staring at Diana.
"Wow... Your..." He's dumbfounded. Now is the chance to strike.
[[Use your magical girl powers]](colour:purple)[//"WHAT IS THIS FOOLISH NOISE! You annoying little spellcaster!"//]
It didn't really do anything.
[[Return|Cast a FIRE spell on him]]Diana blows the Necromancer a kiss "Hey sexy, why don't I raise something of yours next time..."
(colour:purple)[//"FOOL! Those charms do not work on a man with willpower as strong as mine!"//]
[[Return|Cast a FIRE spell on him]]Diana bends down, showing off her cleavage "Hey sweeties. You look like you've been taking good care of your skin, it's positively glowing. And that scent, what is it, eau le fromage?"
The zombies continue to lurch towards Diana, unfazed.
The zombies continue to lurch towards Diana, unfazed.
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last) Diana howls
Damien joins in
(colour:green)[(font:"Lucidia Console")[(text-style: "shudder")[DID YOU REALLY THINK THAT WOULD DO ANYTHING! FOOLISH ORGANIC LIFE FORMS!"]]]
[[Return->Laptop Attacks]]Suddenly, a command prompt with an ascii picture of a skull and crossbones takes up the entire screen of Damien's laptop.
(colour:green)[(font:"Lucidia Console")["HA HA HA HA. I AM NOW BEING CONTROLLED BY THE HACKER MAN AND I SHALL DESTROY YOU IDIOT RETARD HA HA HA"]] blares out of the computer's speakers in that text-to-speech voice. (Y'know, microsoft sam? The good one.)
Damien jumps up out of his seat in surprise and takes a step back (colour:#cd3278)["The fuck?"]
(colour:green)[(font:"Lucidia Console")[(text-style: "shudder")["JUST YOU TRY!."]]]
[[Time to FIGHT->Laptop Attacks]]"Uhh, Michelle, are you feeling ok?" Diana asks the hostess as she walks in front of the table. The short woman looks up at the two canine women.
"Ey there nothing wrong."
(colour:#32cd32)["But someone is playing cards"] Angela replies, her head cocked to the side like a puppy dog.
"What va heck wrong with cahds, Georgie?" the lady replies.
Suddenly Angela hisses and throws a glass of water at the hostess, who suddenly begins to spurt and make various zapping noises.
"GeoGeoGeoGeo" she stutters as Angela grabs Diana's hand. (colour:#32cd32)["Sweetie we need to get out of here, that's not Michelle. Michelle would never be ok with people playing cards"] as the ladies try to run the hostess begins to change, becoming an orange male fox.
(colour:orange)["Hmmm, it seems you have uncoverred my disguise."]
Just as suddenly the phones of everybody in the restaurant emit a strange pulse which knocks them to sleep. The electronic locks on the doors activate, trapping the women inside with the fox.
(colour:orange)["So this is the great Diana... I never thought she would turn out to be a chubby middle aged woman."]
//"How dare you ruin my date!"// Diana screams, but then the thought dawns on her...
[[ "H-how do you know my name?"|Youma Introduce]]Diana grabs the empty can of cat food, yelling (colour:yellow)[**"Moon Tiara Action!"**]
Regaining his composure, The Necromancer gloats (colour:purple)[//"Haha, what will that do to me? It's just a can of cat food! You're as dumb as you are hot! Taste my m-"//] his words were cut off as the can came hurtling towards him. Somewhere in midair it turned into a disc of light, which connected squarely with his stomach, cutting through it and leaving a hole of light.
"Cat Luv? For me this was a can of whoop-ass!" Diana followed up trimphantly.
(colour:red)[//"LOVEELLLLYYYYY!"//] He shreiked as he dissapated into air. A voice could be heard from among the trees. (colour:purple)[//"Only a temporary setback. One day I WILL RETURN AND EAT ANOTHER CAT! FOOLISH WOMAN"//]
The cat walks up to Diana and rubs itself against her, purring. It seems this cat wants to follow you. (set: $inv to $inv + (a: "cat"))
Some words pop into Diana's head that say "Bring a pda, a cat, and a Potion+ to the mall..." what could they mean?
[[Return to the river|River]](set: $foundcat to true)(set: $inv to $inv - (a: "cat food"))Diana takes out the can of cat food, opens the top and places it on the ground.
"Good kitty, come down kitty." she cooes to the scared cat, who looks down at her with a look of surprise. The cat jumps down from the branch gracefully and rubs up against Diana's legs before reaching down to munch on the food. Mission accomplished!
[[What now]]A small grey cat.GAME OVER
Diana's regular spells aren't enough to stop this enemy at the moment. Maybe you need some kind of *magical* item?
[[Try Again|River]](set: $foundcat to false)(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "cat food"))Diana attempts to dodge the dark energy ball, but it is way too fast, connecting squarely with her. She crumples to the floor, panting in strange exhaustion and unable to move. As she struggles to keep her eyes open she sees the Necromancer walk toward her.
(colour:purple)[//"Nyahahaha! Nobody can defeat THE NECROMANCER!"//]
[[Reflect on your lack of preparedness|Game Over]]The waitress is a perky deer girl with sandy colored topfur and cream colored undercoat. She's of a thin build and looks to be about Damien's age. She has bright blue eyes which seem to smile as they look at you.
Her nametag says "Flosse" which Diana guesses is probably short for Florence.
[[Go on your date]](set: $collielove+= 1)"I'll order some coffee, please" Diana says.
(colour:#32cd32)["Why yes, it is quite nice to have coffee with a meal."] Angela replies.
There's just something about two lesbians drinking coffee together that's just so... Well you can't put your finger on it.
What should you talk about...
[[Ask her about son]]
[[Ask her about work]]
[[Clothes?]]The LEMUNAYD is a special cocktail offered at this restaurant. It's a combination of lemonade, raspberry liquer and vodka. Damien highly reccomends it, much to your dismay in the fact that he's off day drinking.
"I'd like a LEMUNAYD, ma'am" Diana says with a smile.
(colour:"yellow")["One Lemunayd, coming up ma'am"] the deer says with a smile. She doesn't seem to want to card Diana, who seems mildly scandalized over the fact this young woman doesn't find her old. The deer turns to Angela "And what would you like?"
(colour:#32cd32)["Oh my, so early... But hey, why not loosen up. I'll take one two."] Angela replies.(set: $drunkmoms to true)
Angela puts her elbows on the table and rests her head in her hands "It's so nice to be out with you, huh Diana." she softly says, fluttering her eyebrows. The waitress leaves.
Surprisingly quickly, the perky waitress comes back with the drinks. The drinks are in a mason jar. A bit odd for a restaurant in this area, but hey, booze is booze. (colour:"yellow")["Here ya go ladies, I'll give you some time to look over the menu, we have craaaaaaazy menu items, hehe!"] the waitress seems to float away like some kind of floating deer.
Angela holds her jar up (colour:#32cd32)["Bottoms up, sweetie."] she says. The two ladies toast and Angela takes a big swig of her drink. (set: $collielove+= 2)
What should you talk about...
[[Ask her about son]]
[[Ask her about work]]
[[Clothes?]]"Uhh, water for me." Diana tells the doe. You never order water at a restaurant, but Damien has mentioned it's what he does when he's "Balling on a budget" so might as well try it.
"One wuh-wuh-water coming up!" The doe says before turning to the collie "And youuuu, hun?"
Angela is slightly flusterred by this. "Well I'll just have some water two then..."
Surprisingly quickly, the perky waitress comes back with the drinks. The water is in a fairly standard glass with some ice and a straw. "Here ya go ladies, I'll give you some time to look over the menu, we have craaaaaaazy menu items, hehe!" the waitress seems to float away like some kind of floating deer. (set: $collielove+= 0)
What should you talk about...
[[Ask her about son]]
[[Ask her about work]]
[[Clothes?]]Moms do like talking about their kids. Maybe?
(if: $drunkmoms is true)[(colour:#32cd32)["He's suuuuch a nice kid, but he needs to get some hobbies! He's always on that computer talking to people! But sometimes... I wonder if he's talking to GIRLS! A stud like that can get any broad he wants!"] Angela says, blushing. Diana knows she can't handle her liquor too terribly well. Looks like the collie's going to be frisky today.](else:)[(colour:#32cd32)["Oh, well it's his birthday in few days. I hope he likes that dvd, hehe."]]
(if: $drunkmoms is true)["Gee, I'm glad to hear that..." Diana says with hesitation.](else:)["Don't worry, I'm sure he'll like it."]
The two women discuss their strange sons for quite a while.
What next?
[[Gaze longingly into her eyes]]
[[Whisper something into her ear]]
[[Awoo??]]The mall directory is a large rectangular screen about a foot taller than Diana. On the screen there is a map of the mall, however that map is dwarfed by various options to use "apps", 10 different bar codes to scan, and advertisements for stores that aren't even in the mall.
(if: $inv contains "PDA")[(if: $inv contains "cat")[(if: $freyasoup is true)[Next to the directory is [[Freya|Key to Plaza]], sitting on yet another bench.]]]
[[Return|The mall]]Most of the restaurants are closed here. Macdoodels left a while ago, as did Windy's, Phil Panda's Chinese Kitchen, Sick Steaks, and Mike's Gyros. The only place left is a greasy little sbarro with a single teenage cat sitting at the counter looking bored.
The mall directory also counts a small display of gumball machines as a restaurant, but Diana is not fooled.
[[Return|The mall]]The video game store is full of all kinds of games. Diana wishes they had some old games from the 80s or an [[arcade]] but I guess those aren't COOL anymore.
There is a [[demo kiosk]] in the corner.
[[Return|The mall]]Diana carefully follows Freya's recipie using the hot sauce.
(set: $inv to $inv - (a: "hot sauce")) (set: $inv to $inv - (a: "watermelon"))(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "special soup"))
[[Go back->Make some food]]Double-click this passage to edit it.The same watermelon soup potion, but better.(if: $drunkmoms is true)[Angela takes a big swing of the lemunayd. "Work sucks. There's this bitch Cathy who keeps hogging the copy machine when I have to copy a bunch of fucking papers. And then this bitch Kathy keeps hogging the damn fucking test grading machines. And the damn government gives me nothing but penuts for it."](else:)[Don't get me started! There's this Cathy woman who...]
Angela continues to rant about what seems like hundreds of different Kathies, all with differently spelled names.
"What kind of sociopath names their kid Khathye. K-H-A-T-H-Y-E! Haha..." Diana says to try to lighten the mood, however Diana killed the mood 360 noscope MLG shottysnipe ect.
WE CAN STILL SAVE THIS DATE!(set: $collielove-= 2)
[[Gaze longingly into her eyes]]
[[Whisper something into her ear]]
[[Awoo??]]"So, when I was at the mall today I saw this GORGEOUS striped sweater in the window of Forever 23!" Diana says excitedly.
(if: $drunkmoms is true)[
(colour:#32cd32)["You always shop at those young lady stores! You must be the only mom who can pull those things off!"] Angela laughs heartily.
(colour:#32cd32)[Angela giggles "Oh sweetie, you do love those striped sweaters. I'm surprised you're shopping at a store like Forever 23. Isn't that for young people?"] Angela cocks her head to the side like an adorable puppy. Which she already is.]
(if: $drunkmoms is true)["Nah, there are quite a few moms in those places trying to look young again. Of course, those younger guys are always hitting on me in there. It makes me feel young again." Diana giggles](else:)["Nah, there are quite a older ladies in those places trying to look young again. Of course, half the fun is all those young college age studs hitting on me." Diana giggles]
Angela laughs back. The two mothers enjoy a nice conversation about various clothes stores. (And maybe a few local studs they could pick up later.)(set: $collielove+= 2)
The conversation reaches a short lul. Time to make a move?
[[Gaze longingly into her eyes]]
[[Whisper something into her ear]]
[[Awoo??]]Angela blushes (colour:#32cd32)["Oh Diana..."](set: $collielove+= 1)
[[Continue|Food Order]][[I love you]]
[[Dirty talk]]
[[Pee Pee Poo Poo|Why would you do this moron]]
[[Awoo|Whisper Awoo]]Diana howls in the middle of the restaurant.
(if: $drunkmoms is true)[Angela blushes(colour:#32cd32)["Why don't you save that for the bedroom..."]]
Angela frowns (colour:#32cd32)["Diana, don't you think you should save the screaming for the bedroom...?"]
[[Continue|Food Order]](text-style: "blur")["I love you, sweetie."](set: $collielove+= 1)
Angela blushes. (colour:#32cd32)["I love you too, Diana."]
The deer waitress can be seen coming towards the table. Looks like it's time to order.
[[Continue|Food Order]](text-style: "blur")["The food here is good, but what I really have a taste for is your carpet in bed tonight..."](set: $collielove+= 2)
Angela blushes and giggles. (colour:#32cd32)["Oh, that's sooo leeeewd!"]
The deer waitress can be seen coming towards the table. Looks like it's time to order.
[[Continue|Food Order]](if: $drunkmoms is true)[Diana reaches over and whispers into Angela's ear
(set: $collielove+= 2)
(text-style: "blur")["Pee pee poo poo"]
Angela's face suddenly scrunches up. She makes a snorting noise then suddenly bursts into roaring laughter. (colour:#32cd32)["ah ha ah HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAAAAA PEEPEEE POOPOOO! PEEPEEPEEEPOOPOOOOOOOOOOO! AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!"]
Diana, for once in her life, feels slightly embarassed. "Uhh Angela I think you should quiet it...
](else:)[Diana reaches over and whispers into Angela's ear
(text-style: "blur")["Pee pee poo poo"]
Angela frowns. She didn't find that terribly funny. (set: $collielove-= 1)
The deer waitress can be seen coming towards the table. Looks like it's time to order.]
[[Continue|Food Order]](text-style: "blur")["Awooo??"](set: $collielove+= 2)
Angela starts to laugh. (colour:#32cd32)["Ahahaha! I love it when you do that! Just watch out for the $350 fine!"]
The deer waitress can be seen coming towards the table. Looks like it's time to order.
[[Continue|Food Order]]Angela puts down her menu. (colour:#32cd32)["Yes, I would like a [[gyros platter]] please."] Angela smiles a little and closes her eyes as she hands the waitress her menu. "Your turn, dear."
Diana panics because she didn't look at the menu and she's sure nothing at this restaurant has watermelon in it. Maybe she should get the [[pancakes]]? In her hesitation she looks to the side and sees some kids deep in a game of Magic the Gathering. The hostess of the restaurant is casually walking past them, seemingly in the direction of this table. She approaches.
Something is wrong with this picture...
[[Your waitress is a fox, not a deer|Wrong]]
[[The waitress didn't ask if you wanted more to drink first|Wrong]]
[[The hostess is ignoring the card players|Greek Lady Fight]]
[[Angela ordered before Diana|Wrong]]
[[The hostess never walks the floor|Wrong]]
[[Angela is a vegetarian|Wrong]]
[[Magic the Gathering isn't a real card game|Wrong]]
[[Angela is allergic to onions|Wrong]]
[[The restaurant sells watermelon|Wrong]]
[[Diana would know if there was watermelon sold at this restaurant|Wrong]]"What do you want with me, youma bastard!" Diana crosses her arms and holds her ground, trying not to show any weakness.
(colour:orange)["You see, someone by the name of Hacker Man contacted me... Us youma aren't to fond of you, Diana. He didn't even need to offer me a reward, ahaha!"] the fox chuckles haughtly before looking back at Diana with a grin. (colour:orange)["I forgot to introduce myself. My name is ... uhh forget that. How uncouth for a gentleman like me."]
(colour:#32cd32)["I don't care what a yummy is, you ruined our date and I won't forgive you!"] Angela retorts.
(colour:orange)["You know Diana, you and us aren't too terribly different. We use our magic for pure pleasure of the senses... And your life, you live for that same pleasure. We both live above society's rules and morals."]
"That's true. But Youmas exploit the unwilling! They cause sadness and grief wherever they go! I believe in individuality, but not at the expense of others!"
(colour:orange)["It's a shame, but you too are bound to a flimsy sense of responsibility like the rest of those weak little meat sacks. A true freeman would disregard those which are too weak to resist him!"]
"How can average people resist the powerful magic and manipulation of a Youma? You're a bunch of power tripping sociopaths!"
The fox only laughs (colour:orange)["You get used to it eventually."]
Diana notices Angela is pulling some kind of stick out of her pocket. Could it be some kind of weapon?
[[Attempt to cast some magic on him]]
[[Cast Mage Weapon on Angela]](if: $collielove >= 5)[](else:)(if: $inv contains "Muff Milf Shirt")[Diana has already put on the shirt.](else:) There is a plain looking shirt with the words "Milf Muff" displayed promenantly across the wearer's breasts. [[Try on the lewd shirt]](if: $freyalove >= 4)[Suddenly Diana puts her arms around Freya and looks her in the eyes. "I know my son wants you, but mom should get first call, right?"
Freya blushed, being almost hypnotized by Diana's gaze. "Y-yes ma'am." Freya reached in for a deep kiss, closing her eyes as Diana returned the favor and reached down her pants.
The various statues slide across the floor of the mall in a seemlingly aimless pattern. Most of them seem to be either full body statues or busts on podiums. Each is in the classical style, and the anatomy is quite accurate, as per most classical statues.
[[Return|Vapor Mall]]Nope. Try again.
[[Food Order]]Freya looks up from the bench.
(colour:"pink")["Fancy seeing you again, Miss Moon. Did you try my recipie?"]
[["It was amazing"|Nice Response]]
[["It was ok I guess"|Ok Response]]
[["It sucked so bad it made me want to puke"|Mean Response]](set: $freyalove+= 5)Freya blushes (colour:"pink")["Hehe, thank you Miss Moon, you're always so kind..."]
However Diana notices Freya suddenly looks down at her pocket.
"Freya, are you checking me out?" Diana grinned, before noticing the light out of the corner of her eye.
(colour:"pink")["You do take good care of your figure, not as good as me of course, but what is that thing in your pocket?"] Freya shook her head (colour:"pink")["And you better not say 'because I'm happy to see you'"]
Diana pulls the object out of her pocket. It's the PDA made from using funky basement magic on Damien's computer parts. It's glowing a bright magenta color. Diana's positive an old device like this would not have any backlight, much less backlight in this color. The screen is blank except for white foreign symbols Diana can not understand.
(colour:"pink")["Is that your new phone? Going with the retro look, huh? Quite the strong statement for a woman your age, you're not afraid to embrace your past and life experiences. Very bold."] Freya shakes her head in an understanding manner.
Try to [[operate]] the PDA
[[Throw|Throw at Freya]] the PDA at Freya
[[Throw]] the PDA somewhere else
[[Bite the PDA]](set: $freyalove+= 4)(colour:"pink")["Uff da did you follow the instructions right?"]
However Diana notices Freya suddenly looks down at her pocket.
"Freya, are you checking me out?" Diana grinned, before noticing the light out of the corner of her eye.
(colour:"pink")["No, but something seems to be glowing in your pocket."] Freya points to Diana's pocket.
Diana pulls the object out of her pocket. It's the PDA made from using funky basement magic on Damien's computer parts. It's glowing a bright magenta color. Diana's positive an old device like this would not have any backlight, much less backlight in this color. The screen is blank except for white foreign symbols Diana can not understand.
(colour:"pink")["Is that your new phone? Going with the hardcore retro look, huh? Very bold."] Freya shakes her head with a smug grin.
Try to [[operate]] the PDA
[[Throw|Throw at Freya]] the PDA at Freya
[[Throw]] the PDA somewhere else
[[Bite the PDA]](set: $freyalove-= 1)(colour:"pink")[Freya sneers and crosses her arms, looking indignified. "Whatever, sharing it with you was a mistake."]
However Diana notices Freya suddenly looks down at her pocket.
"Freya, are you checking me out?" Diana grinned, before noticing the light out of the corner of her eye.
(colour:"pink")["Well, I could call you delightfully plump."] Freya shook her head "But no."
Diana pulls the object out of her pocket. It's the PDA made from using funky basement magic on Damien's computer parts. It's glowing a bright magenta color. Diana's positive an old device like this would not have any backlight, much less backlight in this color. The screen is blank except for white foreign symbols Diana can not understand.
(colour:"pink")["Is that your new phone? Going with the retro look, huh? Quite the strong statement for a woman your age, stuck in the past when she could get whatever she wanted and get whatever she wanted with her stunning, but now faded, body of hers. Very bold."] Freya shakes her head with a smug grin.
Try to [[operate]] the PDA
[[Throw|Throw at Freya]] the PDA at Freya
[[Throw]] the PDA somewhere else
[[Bite the PDA]]Diana attempts to operate the PDA, but since she never really bothered with those things back in the day she is absolutely clueless.
[[Throw|Throw at Freya]] the PDA at Freya
[[Throw]] the PDA somewhere else
[[Bite the PDA]]Diana throws the PDA, it's probably not a good idea to take a chance with this thing, although taking chances with magical objects often has fun consequences.
The PDA flies through the air, landing next to the Mall Directory. Walking nearby is none other than Damien's coworker [[Tom]], still wearing his uniform. He looks at the device and picks it up, looking back at Diana and Freya.
"//Why hello senpais!//" Tom grins like an idiot and scratches the back of his head "What a fine day we are having in Appleville-Cho! It appears you have dropped this, you must be more careful senpai!" he screams as if nobody else is around.
(colour:"pink")["Can you just calm down for once in your life, Tom? Oh, and I am **NOT** calling you Akira!"] Freya sneers, clearly tired of this act.
Tom ignores her and looks at the screen "//It appears according to this device I must scan it at the mall directory! This might be my ticket to adventure! Watch this senpai!//" He yells as he holds the device in front of the mall directory.
[[Watch Tom]]Diana picks up the PDA, inspects it over visually, then suddenly puts it in her mouth and chews on it like a candy bar. It tastes like arizona iced tea.
Freya watches silently, her face crumpling in disgust.
Try to [[operate]] the PDA
[[Throw|Throw at Freya]] the PDA at Freya
[[Throw]] the PDA somewhere elseDiana aims the PDA straight at Freya and tosses it at her. It hits her square on the head, bouncing off it and falling behind the bench.
(colour:"pink")[**"Oww! The HELL!"**] Freya yells as she rubs her head. Before she can go on a tirade, the PDA slides under the bench and back to Diana, as if it was being led by a magnet under the floor. The PDA knocks against her left foot and flies up into her hand, which automatically grasps it. (set: $freyalove-= 3)
Try to [[operate]] the PDA
[[Throw]] the PDA somewhere else
[[Bite the PDA]]"What are you doing? Do you think you're Goku or" Diana asks, but before she can mention a second anime hero a giant classical bust emerges from the screen as if it was merely a portal to another world. It slams into Tom, sending him flying across the mall and into the window of a clothing store, the Tom Missle shattering the entire glass window.
The sound of glass shattering and the strange statue peeking out from the directory causes some people to run in fright, however a crowd of store employees have stopped to watch the spectacle before them, unable to speak.
Freya jumps up and backs slowly toward Diana while keeping her eyes on the statue. "Wh-what do we do?"
The statue makes a guttural noise as it fully emerges. In reality, the statue was not simply a head, but part of a large human seemingly made of stone and with the head of a typical classic bust. The stone man looks (without actual eyes?) around the mall, it's head suddenly zeroing in on Diana.
[[FIGHT|Greek Bust Battle]]The statue continues to make guttural sounds as it advances towards Freya and Diana. Freya growls and holds a fighting stance, ready to fight. Of course, if she tries to punch and kick this thing she might end up getting hurt. Then again, this creature may not even be made of stone.
[[Awoo at the statue]]
[[Cast Ice magic]]
[[Go help Tom]]
[[Cast Eagle Eye]]
[[Analyze the statue]]The creature appears to be a larger than average human made of marble or stone. The head of this human bears a great resemblance to classical busts. The statue is of good, athletic phisique and is wearing a toga.
[[Return|Greek Bust Battle]](text_colour: "blue")["ICE!"] Diana yells, shooting ice from her fingers at the statue. The statue is hit hard by this attack, and flies back, moaning in another of its gutteral tones.
"Hit it again, Miss Moon!" Freya cheers.
However, before Diana can cast another spell, the statue sits up suddenly and shoots a pink beam from it's mouth.
(if: $eagleeye1 is false)[Oh no! [[Dodge the beam]]](else:)[However, thanks to Diana's Eagle Eye spell, she is able to jump out of the way. Instead, the beam hits the gumball machine, shattering every machine at once. The gumballs scatter all over the floor. (set: $gumballs to true)
[[Continue the Fight|Greek Bust Battle Phase 2]]]Diana can't just sit by as someone just got smacked across the room and into a store window. She backs up and runs toward the building Tom flew into.
(colour:"pink")["Diana! Come back!"] Freya yells from the distance as Diana hops over the bottom of where the window once stood. She looks down at Tom, and before she can do anything, he jumps up off the ground and shakes his head.
"//Gomensai, Diana-kun! I won't be defeated this time!//" he yells as he runs toward the statue, making whooshing noises. He stands in front of the statue and poses, holding his head down with his eyes closed.
The statue stops momentarily, and watches Tom. Freya is trying to keep her cool but is barely keeping it together. Diana approaches both of them from behind.
Suddenly Tom points at the monster and yells "//Foolish monster! You dare terrorize this city, and my wonderful senpais! I will not forgive this! Prepare to face my super mega energy blast, passed down through 10 generations of mana users of the Yggdrasil!//"
Tom holds his hands out in front of him and screams, like he's shooting some kind of energy beam. Freya runs for cover.
The statue utters another gutteral noise and backhands Tom, sending him flying across the mall out of the wolfesses' sight.
[[Try to use the magic wand]]Good idea! Why not use that thing again! It's worked so great before. Diana holds the magic wand to her chest.
Suddenly Diana's clothes vanish into a flash of light. The Necromancer gasped at the sight of Diana bareing her all. Just as suddenly as her clothes disappeared, her sorceress outfit appeared.
Freya can't decide whether to stare at Diana's assets or the giant statue trying to kill her.
(colour:"pink")["That was very lewd Diana! Don't you know there are people-"] Freya jumps out of the way as the statue lunges at her
(colour:yellow)[**"In the name of my last name, I will punish you!"**] Diana crossed her arms and points at the statue. It stares at her and makes gutteral noises as it begins to charge towards Diana, who is now wearing her sorceress outfit. (set: $wandstatue to true)(set: $tomdown to true)
[[Continue the battle|Greek Bust Battle Phase 2]]Diana lets out a loud "AAAAAWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" at the statue.
Freya joins in with her own awoo.
It does nothing but the two women feel pumped up.
[[Return|Greek Bust Battle]]The fight rages on.
(if: $wandstatue is true)[Diana is sporting her sorceress outfit. It doesn't have quite as much usefulness since she does not have any circular objects or hats nearby, but it looks pretty stylish.]
(if: $tomdown is true)[Tom has been blown away somewhere. Hopefully he's ok.]
(if: $gumballs is true)[The statue is currently down, but capable of firing a mean magical beam.]
Freya looks like she's about ready to charge at the statue. (set: $inv to $inv - (a: "cat"))
(if: $gumballs is true)[Try to [[Cast another ice spell]]](else:)[[[Cast an ice spell|Ice Spell Statue alternate]]]
(if: $wandstatue is false)[It's worked before, so why not [[Try to use the magic wand]]](text_style: "shudder")[(colour:"pink")[**"Get him while he's down!"**]] Freya yells as she runs in toward the statue. She's usually pretty prim and proper, but when the going gets tough that girl can be a real insanity wolf.
Diana decides to join in on the insanity and runs in with her.
[[Take a swig of Potion+]](text_colour: "blue")["ICE!"] Diana yells, shooting ice from her fingers at the statue. The statue is hit hard by this attack, and flies back, moaning in another of its gutteral tones.
(colour:"pink")["Hit it again, Miss Moon!"] Freya cheers.
However, before Diana can cast another spell, the statue sits up suddenly and shoots a pink beam from it's mouth.
(if: $eagleeye1 is false)[oh nooooo! [[Dodge the beam]]](else:)[However, thanks to Diana's Eagle Eye spell, she is able to jump out of the way. Instead, the beam hits the gumball machine, shattering every machine at once. The gumballs scatter all over the floor. (set: $icespell to true)(set: $gumballs to true)
[[Continue the Fight|Greek Bust Battle Phase 2]]]Diana takes out the vial of potion and takes a swig of it. After putting the rubber stopper back on she suddenly feels a sense of strength in her legs. She runs forward to the statue with Freya. There's still some left over too.
Freya climbs up on the statue and starts hitting and biting it. This alone won't stop the statue, so Diana walks around the side of the statue, gets a running start, and kicks it right in the head.
**"Arrivederci!"** she screams as her foot slams right into its target.
The head of the statue flies off and into the cieling, leaving a small hole in the cieling of the mall. Freya and Diana look up at the hole, then back at eachother. The statue's body appears to be wholy made of stone, and there is no evidence of biological life in it. It must have been some kind of golem or other magical construct. Diana will probably have to dispose of the head later, but now's not the time.
Freya smiles and breathes a sigh of relief. "Well then, that was quite the predicament, huh?" She adjusts her coat and smiles before pointing back at the mall directory. "Hey look a cat." (set: $drankpotion1 to true)(set: $freyalove+= 2)
[[Oh no, what has that cat gotten into this time...]]The statue suddenly fires a beam right at Diana, who is currently standing still and right in like for a direct hit.
(colour:"pink")["Diana! //Nooooooooooo!//"] Freya screams
[[Dodge the beam]]Diana does the *courageous* thing and tries to run. But is she really trying to run? Diana runs behind where the gumball machines once stood, making sure the gumballs are between her and the statue.
The statue grunted as it ran towards Diana. However, when it ran over the gumballs, it lost its balance, it stood on the gumballs, trying to stay upward.
(colour:"gray")[(text_style: "shudder")["''UHHHHH!''"]]
The statue groans as it falls into a heap on the ground. Those must have been some incredibly stale gumballs.
While Diana was running, Freya had recoverred and was standing back up. Freya stands back up, staring at the statue and growling. (colour:"pink")["Let's finish this fucker off, Miss Moon!"]
[[Charge in with Freya]]The grey cat seemed to have slipped out of Diana's strange inventory during the fight. Freya and Diana walk slowly toward it when suddenly the cat is enveloped in some kind of strange, glowing light. Just before Diana could get close to it, the cat leaps into the mall directory as if it was a window.
The screen of the mall directory appears to be orange, with an outline of a palm tree on it. Diana reaches an arm into it, and finds that it seems to disappear into the screen.
(colour:"pink")["Be careful, Miss Moon!"] Freya says concerned.
"Oh honey, I've been messing around with magic before you were even an idea." Diana laughs as she tries to climb in after the cat. Freya yells and reaches out her hand, but it is too late, Diana had already disappeared. The mall directory changed back to it's usual display of useless apps.
(colour:"pink")["Miss Mooooooooooooon!"] Freya yelled, standing in front of the directory.
[[Virtual World Entrance]]Diana can't remember falling, but she wakes up facedown on some kind of dark glass floor.
The [[cat|cybercat]] is sleeping a few feet away from Diana's head
[[Examine the area]]
[[Call for Freya]]
[[Try a cell phone call]]Diana was quite an avid arcade player back in the 80's. Some people knew her as "The Goddess of the Games" a title earned through her mastery of arcade machines and stunning good looks.
Once in the 80's she caught some punks writing racial slurs on an Outrun machine at an arcade near where she lived. Ever since then, the owners of the arcade often gave her quarters for free games, which helped her hone her skills. She's not sure if she's as good as she used to be, but she usually beats Damien at video games. (He sucks, but don't tell him)
[[Return|Game Store]]The game at the kiosk is a game named "Vikings of Midgard" it has been in development for many years and the display still says "Demo not representative of final product"
Diana recognizes the red haired wolf woman from the game, as Damien has a big poster of her in his room. Although, she looks oddly like one of Freya's gal pals.
[[Return|Game Store]]Diana walks into Scarves r Us. This is a mysterious store, as it somehow manages to stay open in this lousy mall while only selling scarves.
There is a nice purple scarf that Diana considers buying, as well as a blue scarf that looks like the one Damien's former [[art teacher]] wore.
[[Return|The mall]]Damien's former art teacher is a large, muscular middle aged wolf man. He has grey and white fur, flowing blond hair, and gorgeous blue eyes.. Damien was failing his class (who the hell fails art) so she invited him over for a "parent teacher conference" one day. He's a very nice man.
He is always seen wearing a blue scarf, but Diana has never seen that scarf in any stores, and when asked about it he says "I don't remember."
[[Return|The mall]]The gyros platter is a pita, a generous portion of gyros meat, a heap of onions, big chunks of tomato, some kalamata olives and a pile of feta cheese. It's scrumptious, but a little heavy on the stomach. Damien likes to order this, but Diana would rather have something lighter.
[[Return|Food Order]]Nothing like a big stack of fluffy pancakes, spread with butter and topped with a drizzle of sweet, sticky maple syrup.
[[Return|Food Order]]This bucket is official merchandise from Emotional Giant Robot Tenshi Fight. At least it has some use.Diana heads back into the anime store. Most of this stuff is meaningless to her, but Damien might like some of it.
(if: $bucket is false)[Why not [[Ask the cashier for a reccomendation]]]
[[Go Back|The mall]]The cashier of the anime store is a nerdy looking orange cat anthro with big, thick glasses. He is wearing a clean white dress shirt and courdrouy pants.
"Welcome to Anime Heaven, how can I help you."
"I'd like to get some merchandise for my son. Do you have any reccomendations?"
"Ok, what shows does he watch?"
"I dunno, there's this one about giant robots where they cry a lot."
"OH! You mean Emotional Robot Tenshi Fight! We actually just recieved some new merchandise for that!" the cat points a finger at the back wall of the store. There is a stack of buckets on the wall. "Those are *official* Emotional Robot Tenshi Fight buckets! Emblazened with the Super Robot Force Battle Organization's logo, this bucket is perfect for around the house!"
Diana can't understand why someone would buy or even market a bucket based on a tv show, but Diana picks one up from the back wall and gives it to the cashier, pays for it, and leaves the store. (set: $inv to $inv + (a: "bucket"))(set: $bucket to true)
[[Leave the store|The mall]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Diana smiles and presents Damien with the bucket. "Here you go sweetie! I bought this to cheer you up!"(set: $inv to $inv - (a: "bucket")) Damien takes the bucket from her and looks it over.
(colour:#cd3278)["A bucket? With that thing from Emotional Robot Tenshi Fight? Uhhh, thanks?"] Damien tries to appear as greatful as he can. He doesn't not like the bucket, but is more confused than anything.
"Oh I'm sure you'll have fun with that bucket!" Diana laughs, hoping she got her son the right gift. (set: $damienlove to 5)
[[Return|DamienRoomRevisited]]After Damien came home from college Diana did his laundry for him out of pity, however that quickly stopped after she walked in on him "playing with himself".
[[Return|DamienRoomRevisited]](colour:"orange")["You might be wondering who I am..."] he looks at Angela and gestures to her (colour:orange)["Hey girlie, ever heard of a Youma before?"]
(colour:#32cd32)["Can't say I have?"] Angela says. Panic wells up in Diana, she hasn't seen someone acting as a [[Youma]] in this town in far too long. Youma are bad news, and now she was trapped in a restaurant with one.
Of course, this is a good opporitunity to stop him. Who knows what a foul spellcaster like this could do if given free run of the town!
[[Ask him what he's here for|Vs Youma]]Diana sits up and looks at the cat.
"You must not have a care in the world right now, huh?" she says forlornly, looking at the cat.
"Mererow!" the cat replies, suddenly turning away from Diana.
Suddenly, a bright light envelopes the cat. As Diana shields her eyes she can hear an 80's rock ballad playing from an undisclosed location. It doesn't sound like it's coming from a speaker, but more as if it's coming from the... environment. As the light subsides Diana looks back at the cat...
But it's not a cat anymore!
[[Whoh]]Diana looks around the area. This area is completely unfamiliar to her, and unlike anywhere she's ever been.
The surface of this area feels smooth and hard, similar to polished granite or marble. However, unlike stone the ground is not cold. Rather it is slightly warm. The ground is also dark, the black color of obsidian. There appear to be lines of continuous purple light along the ground, forming a perfectly shaped grid of light on the ground.
In the distance over the horizon the skies are shades of purple and black, with galaxies of stars visible in the background. Diana is not sure whether these are the same stars she sees in the night sky, the starry sky of an alien world, or merely an illusion.
It appears as if there are no structures or landmarks in the immediate area, however the cat is sitting next to Diana, licking its paw.(set: $seecat to true)
[[Return|Virtual World Entrance]]Freya does not answer. She's probably on a completely different realm as Diana right now.
[[Return|Virtual World Entrance]]Diana fumbles with her phone as she clicks the screen on. She's not sure who to call, so she just calls Damien. And puts the phone to her head.
*boop boop boop boop*
She looks and notices she has no bars. Looks like calling for help isn't an option.
[[Return|Virtual World Entrance]]Instead of the cat, there sits a massive white tiger. The tiger is about twice the size of a normal tiger, and is adorned with electric blue stripes instead of black stripes. The tiger growls a mighty growl, then looks at Diana with understanding, kind eyes.
"I'd like to thank you, sorceress, for returning me home. If I wasn't stuck in the body of a housecat I would have torn that dark wizard to shreds!" the tiger says.
Diana is speechless for a moment, but hey, a talking tiger isn't THAT wierd. "You live here?"
The tiger laughs "Ohoho, this is the virtual plaza, not some kind of town. It's a world within computers... or something." the tiger looks up at the sky, pondering how to explain this world.
"For now, why don't you just hop on my back? I'll take you somewhere pleasent."
[[Accept a ride]]
[[Interrogate the tiger further]]"Great! Hop on me!" the Tiger says.
"Oh, uh" Diana blushes as she climbs on the tiger's back.
"To the Great Mall!" the tiger growls trimphantly as he bolts into the distance. Diana hangs on to him as hard as she can, but doesn't feel like she is going to fall off. It is a truly magical ride.
In the distance, a giant magenta and blue colored mall can be seen.
[[Cyber Mall Intro|Continue]]"Whoa hey lady, I don't really understand this world either, and I've lived here my whole life!" The tiger says.
"But then, how did you get out in the first place?" Diana asks
"This girl in like, a blue coat asked me if I wanted to check out the outside world and shoved me into a tv screen. Next thing I knew I was inside that mall."
[[Return|Whoh]]The tiger drops Diana off at the door of the mall.
"Thanks for helping me!
The tiger chuckles and smiles "Anytime my dear."
Diana grins "Maybe next time you can become an anthro tiger? I bet you'd be a real stud..."
The tiger shakes its head and runs away without saying another comment.
[[Enter the mall|Vapor Mall before]]Despite the flashy neon exterior of this mall, the inside of the mall seems like a pretty typical upper-middle class mall. The floors seem to be polished stone, with a black and grey checkerboard pattern. They are pristine and shining, as if an army of janitors had just went through here.
The mall does not appear to have any branching pathways within it, in fact it appears to be a single, long hallway.
The various stores of the mall all appear to have colorful signs above their entranceways. Most of the signs are in bright pastel colors, and the majority of them are in Japanese characters.
Numerous [[classical statues|greek bust]] can be seen dotting they mall. Some of them are sliding across the floor, surprisingly leaving no mark on the tiles.
Various stores whose names Diana can read catch her eye.
[[Appliance Galaxy]]
[[Walk to the other side of the mall]]The appliance galaxy appears to be an appliance store... You figured that out already, didn't you.
The floors of the store are made of fairly sturdy feeling hardwood, polished to perfection. However, unlike the typical appliance stores, the walls and
Various shelves line the walls of the store, each with various kinds of appliances. On the left side of the wall, Diana sees a few toasters that remind her of the Brigadier.
(if: $inv contains "Brigadier")[Suddenly, there is a rustling in Diana's bag. [[Check the bag]]]
(if:$briggone is true)[]
[[Go Back|Vapor Mall]]The mall doesn't so much end, as it does fade away. Eventually the stores all appear to be closed, and the mall appears to falling into various states of disarray.
After a few rows of stores with no signs, the walls of the mall appear to be crumbling away, and there is nothing but bare floor. The bare floor then fades away to the same gridlike pattern from outside, but this time there appears to be an end: a [[steep cliff!]]
However, there is what appears to be a [[giant head]], made of that same pattern as the floor, however the light grid appears to be a bright, angry red color. Several [[classical statues]] are facing this giant face.
There is a long staircase that leads directly into the mouth.
[[Chat with the statues]]
[[Walk this staircase|Hackerman's lair entrance]]
[[Go back|Vapor Mall]]The rustling appears to be the Brigadier, who hops out of the bag and onto the floor.
(colour:"blue")["Bloody hell, I've been cooped up in that bag for far too long!"] the Brigadier takes a moment to assess his surroundings. Suddenly there is a rather happy sounding beep. A symphony of startup sounds play as the many electronic appliances of the store spring to life, seemingly without power. They all display smiling faces.
A tear can be seen streaming down the Brigadier's face on the screen. (colour:"blue")["Golly good show... The data I've recieved from these chaps has informed me that this is a paradise for appliances!"] the toaster hops onto a shelf full of other toasters, each a similar model as the brig but with faces of varying features and ages.
(colour:"blue")["I had you all wrong! You brought me to paradise!"] the toaster laughs heartily. (colour:"blue")["Well then why not stay for tea... I've recieved word that there is an automatic tea brewer two shelves to the left of me."]
Diana smiles at the toaster and laughs "Oh, no thank you. I'm glad you found a nice place to live." she said, relieved that she could leave this finnicky piece of machinery in a place that probably wasn't even in the same plane of existance as her kitchen.
(colour:"blue")["Well then, guv, if you ever need my help, just come here and give me a hollar!"] the Brigadier goes silent, presumably communicating with the other appliances by wireless signal.
There's something very serene and calming about this store now.
(set:$briggone to true)
(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "Brigadier"))
[[Return|Vapor Mall]]Diana carefully peeks down the cliff. She cannot see the bottom. It is unknown if a bottom even **exists**.
[[Return|Walk to the other side of the mall]]Hackerman's lair
[[Return|Walk to the other side of the mall]]There are a number of statues placed near the edge of the cliff.
[[Return|Walk to the other side of the mall]]Diana carefully steps on the thin staircase. She feels her stomach sink as she steps onto the stairs. Good thing there seemed to be no wind in this world, because she might end up falling.
As she gets closer to the giant head, the stairs seem to gradually get wider. Diana looks over her shoulder, but the stairs seem to be the same width the entire way back. Was this some kind of reality bending magic the Hackerman was doing to freak her out?
Eventually Diana steps into the mouth of the giant head and off the staircase.
[[Enter the head|Final Room]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Diana sees three statues:
[[Curly haired bust]]
[[Nude woman missing some arms]]
[[Man throwing a discus]]
[[Return|Walk to the other side of the mall]]Double-click this passage to edit it.The curly haired statue has a concerned look on its stone face.
(colour:"gray")["These stairs lead to Hackerman's lair. Be very careful not to fall."]
[[Chat with the other statues|Chat with the statues]]Diana walks up to a full body nude statue of a woman. She smiles and nods at the statue "Lookin good, girl."
The statue makes a guttural noise, almost a groan of disapointment. A deep voice replies (colour:"gray")["These stairs lead to Hackerman's lair. Be very careful not to fall."]
[[Chat with the other statues|Chat with the statues]]The statue with the discus is not very talkative. Diana decides to leave him alone.
[[Chat with the other statues|Chat with the statues]]Placed in front of the mall is a classical stone bust. The carving on it is quite intricate and accurate to a real human face. A lover of the fine arts, Diana decides to take a closer look at it.
"Wow, what a nice carving..."
(colour:"gray")["**Who you calling a statue, lady**"]
Diana steps back "Who just said that?"
(colour:"gray")[What, you think just cuz I'm a statue I can't talk! How very rude!]
"Oh, you're the one talking. Uhh, sorry." Diana replies
(colour:"gray")[Yeah, the rest of us can talk too. I don't know what kind of world you live in but here we talk.]
"Wow, uhh, I'm very sorry statue. I didn't know, really." Diana says not wanted to be percieved as statueist or something.
The statue slides away into the distance.
[[Enter the mall|Vapor Mall]]The first room on the inside of the head appears to be a long hallway. On both sides of the hallway are many rows of what appear to be [[server towers]] embedded into the wall. Hanging above the server towers are various pinup pictures of nude wolf women.
The curious thing, Diana notices, is that half of them appear to be of her in her younger years.
[[Exit the hallway and continue on]]The servers are tall boxes of computer machinery. Multicolored lights blink on them like a christmas tree as the sound of cooling fans drones through the room.
What are these for? (set:$howtobeathackerman to true)
[[Go Back|Final Room]]Diana steps into the room, and is immediately struck by the oppulence of it. The floors, cieling and walls are made of finely polished marble. There is a red carpet sprawling from one side of the room to the other, flanked by two rows of huge greeco-roman pillars.
On the left side of the room is a [[fountain]], and on the right side appears to be a [[body of water]]. At the end of the carpet there is a [[Large Door|Finaldoor]] (if:$bogusmom is true)[The [[Fake Diana]] lies motionless next to the pillar.]
[[Take another look at the hallway|Final Room]]The fountain is a round circle of what appears to be polished granite, similar to a countertop, which holds an amount of water. The fountain appears to be three meters in radius. There are numerous jets spraying water into the air. In the water there are LED lights which brilliantly shine in all the colors of the rainbow.
In the center of the fountian is a [[statue of a woman]] holding an overturned pot. Water flows from the pot into the fountain.
[[Return|Exit the hallway and continue on]](if:$bogusmom is false)[It appears there is another [[woman|hologram]] in the hot tub.]
[[Return|Exit the hallway and continue on]]Diana stares into the eyes of the figure. Yes, it appears to be her. Fake Diana is wearing a magenta swimsuit, as well as thick pink eyeshadow. She is a very faithful replica indeed. However, it appears to have red eyes instead of Diana's violet.
"Hey sweetie, want to get in the hot tub with me?" the fake Diana licks her lips.
Diana laughs at the fact that she's getting hit on by herself.
[[Sit with the fake]]
[[This is messed up]]Since she does not have a swimsuit, Diana strips off all her clothes and steps into the hot tub.
The Fake Diana scoots herself closer to Diana, licking her lips and stroking Diana's shoulder "Skinny dipping, huh? You're brave. I like that, mmmm..." the fake gets closer, her body touching Diana's.
[[Flirt with Diana]]
[[Attack the apparition]]Diana decides this is really messed up and walks away.
[[Ok|body of water]]The fountain's statue is made of white stone, and the subject is a woman wearing a flowing dress. Water flows out of the pot she is holding, making a soothing waterfall noise.
Upon closer inspection, Diana notices the subject of the statue is modelled after her.
[[Return|fountain]](if:$bogusmom is true)[Diana is able to push the door open. [[Continue|Throne Room]]](else:)[Diana is not able to open this door. Maybe look around a bit more?]
[[Return|Exit the hallway and continue on]]The Throne Room, is even more oppulent than the last room. The throne room is a long room, made almost entirely of polished beige marble, except for a streak of black stone which stretches from the front of the room to the back, almost like a carpet.
A giant glass dome sits atop the room, metal laticework holding the great glass panels in place. The unnatural purple light of this rhealm shines onto the ground of the room, creating an intricate star shaped pattern.
At the end of the room there is a throne, it's fabric is a striking emerald green accented with gold vine patterns. The chair part of the throne is a silver color, and is decorated with various half-moon patterns above the sitter's head. The throne is twice Diana's height and gets wider as it gets higher, and as a result looks quite imposing.
Behind the throne there is a half-circle of glass windows. From these windows, Diana can see basically what she saw when she first enterred this land, but far further. What kind of person would use this desolate land as a hideout?
Well he's sitting right in front of Diana, why not [[ask him]]?Fine, how will you do it?
[[Fire spell|FireFake]]
[[Ice spell|IceFake]]
[[Elec spell|Gameover3]]The fire spell is neutralized by the water
[[Oh well|Sit with the fake]]The heat of the water neutralizes the ice spell, the fake doesn't even flinch.
[[Oh well|Sit with the fake]]Diana casts an electric spell on the Diana.
The shock is too much for the Diana, and she collapses. Which Diana was it? The one you're playing as, silly.
Next time don't cast an electric spell in a body of water.
[[Reflect on your ineptitude|Final Room]]Diana looks into the eyes of the Diana "My my, you're one fiesty girl aren't you? Why don't we get you out of that skimpy little bikini and have some fun, hm?"
The fake Diana giggles and reaches behind her back, ready to undo her top.
-But suddenly there is a noise?-
Diana's ears perk up as she hears the sound of a pair of pants being undone. Snapping instantly out of her lusty mode, she yells "Is sooomebody watching me?"
A scream can be heard (colour:"red")["GAAAAAHHHHHHH!"] the voice is rather... familiar...
(colour:"red")["Dammit! This... This wasn't supposed to happen! Diana, attack her!"] the fake Diana accepts the commands and gets out of the tub. She grins a toothy grin, showing razor sharp teeth. No doubt about it, this is Hackerman's lair, and with that the man himself... But what to do about this fake?
[[Try talking to her]]
[[I dunno, kick it]]
[[Try flirting again]]Diana rolls on the slick ground and back to her things, grabbing the Potion ++ and taking a swig of it. She was by no means a martial artist, but damn that potion works wonders.
"DIE DIE DIE DIE" the fake Diana screams as she runs at the real Diana, her eyes filled with hate for her doppelganger. As the fake approaches Diana gets into stance.
Like some kind of seasoned fighter, Diana lunges at it and starts punching it at incredible speeds. *"ARIARIARIARIARIARIARIARIARIARIARIARI..."*
**"Arrivederci!"** Diana yells as she delivers a smashing roundhouse kick to her assailant. The phony wolfmom flies through the air and into a pillar, smashing into it and leaving a sizeable crack in the stone.
Hackerman can be heard grumbling in the background, and Diana is not sure whether he's angry or simply disappointed his fake wolfmom got beat up by a barehanded magic user.
[[Make sure the bogus momwolf is beaten]]
[[Try to argue with the Hacker]]Diana walks up to the bogus momwolf and tries to prod at it.
(colour:"magenta")[(font:"Lucidia Console")[RUN WORKSUPPORT.exe
"Huh? Work?"
(text-style:"shadow")[(colour:"red")[(font:"Lucidia Console")[THOSE BULLSHHITTTING BRATS CA-CA-CA-CA Use thecnollogy liketheyussssed to!]]]
She continues to sputter on.
"No wonder this guy needed a fake girlfriend to talk to him... But why me?" Diana questions.
[[Try to argue with the Hacker]](set:$bogusmom to true)Diana indignantly walks over, dries off with a nearby towel which was folded next to the hot tub, and puts her clothes back on before confronting the Hackerman.
"Hey Hackerman, did you get a picture? It'll last longer!" Diana yells.
Hackerman laughs over the loudspeaker (colour:"red")["I saved the entire footage! Too bad you had to ruin it before it got nice and steamy..."]
Diana crosses her arms, scowls and says sarcastically "Well how about you come meet me in person and I can give you a better view?"
(colour:"red")["Ahh, of course. The door at the end of this room should be open now. No other traps."]
[[Proceed|Exit the hallway and continue on]]"Hey sweetie, let's just forget this and go back in the hot tub..."
Looks like Makishi can't let bygones be bygones.
[[Go Back|Flirt with Diana]]The fake Diana lies motionless, sputtering completely random words. It's kind of creepy, so better leave it alone.
[[Go Back|Exit the hallway and continue on]]Sitting cross-legged in the throne is the dreaded [[Hackerman|Hackerman Physical Description]].
(colour:"red")["Well hello, sweet-cheeks. Thanks for coming to visit me."]
Diana shakes her fist and growls "What's the big idea, you little shit?"
Hackerman sits up in his throne (colour:"red")["Look, life is just so stressful. I hated my job, my life, the world itself. Until I discoverred a FANTASTIC new world. One where I could mold and shape whatever I wanted!]
[[Ask about who he is]]
[[Ask his motivations]]
[[Ask about this world]]
[[Why do you have some kind of Diana obsession]]Hackerman is a short, skinny, light-skinned human man. He has medium length, straight blond hair. He is wearing a thick pair of glasses, a white polo shirt, and a pair of khaki shorts.
He is perched on his throne, leaning on the arm of the chair. He has a shit-eating, smug grin on his face.
[[Return|ask him]](colour:"red")["You've never heard of me? Well, I am the GREAT Hackerman! I didn't think you had, because if not you would have been all over me sooner haha. Just kidding."] Hackerman manages to crack a joke without so much as a grin.
(colour:"red")["But yeah, I just was a guy who wanted everyone to be happy and have a good time. But every time I opened my mouth someone said I was WRONG and tried to keep ME DOWN!"]
[[What kind of things?]]
[[I see why]]"But why spend you time botherring people on the internet, hacking devices and machines in the real world?" Diana asks
(colour:"red")["You mean that corrupt world?"] Hackerman scowls, pounds on the arms of his throne and sits up, scowling. (colour:"red")["THAT WORLD?! All those DISGUSTING, DENGERATE, SELFISH BASTARDS!"] he gasps for air (colour:"red")["They make me SICK! I always wanted to hermitize myself!"]
[[What about your friends?]]
[[What do you have against Damien]]
[[Ask about this world]]"Why are you so angsty? You look like you're ten years older than my own son!"
(colour:"red")["How could I not be angsty! Have you seen the state of the world! THEY are silencing me! THEY are controlling the masses from the shadows!"]
"So you're a conspiracy theorist?" Diana says with a grin, trying to get a response from him.
(colour:"red")["You IGNORANT! Stupid stupid stupid stupid..."]
[[Ask about who he is]]
[[Ask his motivations]]
[[Why do you have some kind of Diana obsession]]Diana shakes her head "You had friends, Hacker Man. Friends like my son. Why are you turning on everyone like this? Why do you want to kill your friends over stupid internet arguments?"
(colour:"red")["What are you lady, some kind of social justice warrior? THEY are nothing but AUTOMATIONS led by their rulers in the shadows! They're more like machines than the electronics I hack!"]
Diana laughs "From a fucking cyber-head? What are you going to do, cyber sneeze on them! I beat your only palace guard with a single kick!" Diana advances closer "And I can do the same to you too."
(colour:"red")["You can't build without a good foundation... I have an entire WORLD at my fingertips! And if you killed me... how would you leave?"]
[[Ask about this world]]
[[Act smart]](colour:"red")["Your son is an idiot. I can't believe someone that stupid came out of someone as sexy as you..."]
Diana suddenly starts growling **"The fuck did you say about my son?!"**
(colour:"red")["He's stupid! Naiive! A moron who's probably part of THEIR conspiracy!"]
[[Fire a lightning bolt at this fucker]]"Do you have some kind of... Uh... Crush on me?"
(colour:"red")["Because, Diana, you're the perfect woman... So thick, so voluptuous, so motherly..."] Hackerman starts to blush and licks his lips, appearing to be deep in thought.
"Are you serious?"
(colour:"red")["Of course, Diana. Phewww... Back when I was 15, you know that shoot you did for Playwolf? When I saw you standing on the beach, wearing asolutely nothing? How do I say this...? It's a bit crude but heh...
**I got a boner**"
Diana is disgusted by this to make some kind of momma's still got it comment "So you liked me that much? Even though I'm middle aged"
(colour:"red")["M'lady, that makes you even hotter in my eyes. Come on Diana, smother me in love!"]
Hackerman starts to advance towards Diana.
[[So why did you try to kill me]]
[[Slap him]]"Bah! I'll find a way out! I always do!" Diana brags
(colour:"red")["Yeah right, you're just bluffing. Don't INSULT me like that!"]
[[What do you have against Damien]]
[[What's your problem with the world?|Ask about this world]](colour:"red")["I was just testing you, having a bit of fun. I love big, strong girls with nice booty who can kick some booty, if you know what I mean."]
"I don't want to." Diana replies.
(colour:"red")["It doesn't matter!"] Hackerman laughs maniacally (colour:"red")["I shall rule this world! And you shall be my queen!"]
[[Give in]]Diana reaches back, and just as Hackerman gets close enough, she gives him a smack across the head!
Hackerman spins in place like some kind of cartoon character and falls over. He starts to laugh hysterically, lying on the ground.
(colour:"red")["Oh! Oh! Oh! I can't believe the great Diana slapped me! I've always wanted that to happen!"] Hackerman suddenly dissolves into static and reappears on his throne. (colour:"red")["You fool. In this world you can not hurt me."]
[[So why did you try to kill me]]"I'll never go along with you!" Diana argues and points a finger at Hackerman.
(colour:"red")[Well then, when my GIANT HEAD OF DOOM destroys the entirety of this impure world, save for those WORTHY you won't be beside me, the ruler of this world!]
"Worthy? What gives a freak like you the power over life and death!"
(colour:"red")["I have superior intellect for one. Everyone else is just IGNORANT! I am the only one who can lead them!"]
[["Oh really?"|and]]Diana... Gives up?
She kneels in front of the Hackerman in complete seriousness "Please master, I submit to you... I wish to be your queen..."
The Hackerman stands before her and yells in a booming voice (colour:"red")["YOU FOOLISH WOMAN HOW COULD YOU REFUSE- wait, what? Really?"] his face beams and he starts blushing.
"Damien, Freya, Angela... I'm sorry." Diana says quietly, sobbing.
[[Reflect on your flakiness|Gameover4]](colour:"red")["They try to censor me... And my GREAT IDEAS! It's all like one big conspiracy to take over the world!"]
"Great ideas? Must have been wonderful if some kind of secret illuminati society is trying to censor them" Diana shrugs, trying to psyche out the Hacker.
[[How are they going to take over the world]]
[[Great ideas?]]Hackerman groans (colour:"red")["You don't understand yet, Diana. Sweet, sweet Diana."]
[[Ask his motivations]]
[[Ask about this world]]
[[Why do you have some kind of Diana obsession]]...An idea pops into Diana's head!
Hackerman sits up on his throne indignantly, but he is simply getting further and further away as Diana runs toward the server room.
[[SNAP|To the server room]](colour:"red")["Everyone always does this... They always betray me!" ]
Hackerman grits his teeth as he teleports right in front of Diana.
(colour:"red")["HOW COULD SHE DO SOETHING LIKE THIS! I LOVED YOU DIANA!"] Hackerman yells.
"Any last words, creep?" Diana says with a grin. She doesn't care about mercy anymore
(colour:"red")["NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! YOU!"] Hackerman screams as Diana casts a thunder spell on the servers. Diana stands in the center of the hallway, flinging out her arms and smiling as incredible beams of thunder arc across the walls. The servers explode in a brilliant sea of sparks and smoke, their christmas tree-like blinking lights forever silenced.
(colour:"red")["WHAT HAS SHE DONE! NOT THE SERVERS! There must still be a way to save them! Yes! "Screw you! I can figure this out!"] Hackerman screams in frantic rage as he falls to his knees in front of the smoking, busted towers, sobbing.
"You can leave if you want. But I'm going to find a way out. You're powerless now, Hackerman." Diana flips her hair and pushes up her glasses. "I won't kill you, no. Leaving you to live is soooo much more cruel." Diana laughs cruelly and strolls away.
[[Let's get out of here!]](colour:"red")[Your inventory contains a laptop computer, crusty sock, phone number for a pizza place, Diana porn, peppermint candy]
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last) (colour:"red")["You know, TAKE OVER THE WORLD! Peace and happiness makes people weak!"]
"What's wrong with peace?" Diana asks, crossing her arms and musing. By making herself seem diplomatic, she hopes she can further unnerve the Hacker.
(colour:"red")["Peace and love make people weak! I hope I never breed more hellspawn into this world, not even with YOU!"]
[[How is their plan any different than yours?]]
[[Ok, then why should I have any reason to stay by your side]](colour:"red")["Freedom and justice for everyone!"]
"By killing them all? Really?" Diana laughs.
The Hackerman is turning red in anger.
[[Try something else|ask him]](colour:"red")["Ahh, I see where this conversation is going. You're going to try to psyche me out by comparing my plan to their plan. You know what? I'm done talking about this!"]
[[Why do you have some kind of Diana obsession]]Diana fires a lightning bolt straight at Hackerman. Just as the bolt is about to hit him he vanishes into thin air and the bolt hits the throne. The ornate throne explodes, and a cloud of dust and ash floats where it once was.
(colour:"red")["Aww Diana, you like playing rough, don't you? We can do more of that once my plan is set into motion!"]
[[Ask what he means by playing rough|Why do you have some kind of Diana obsession]](colour:"red")["Easy, I'm not an idiot."]
Diana groans. This guy is like talking to a brick wall.
[[Try something else|ask him]]**DID YOU SERIOUSLY DO THAT!**
You deserve this
**G A M E O V E R**
[[Fine, I'll give you a second chance :/ |ask him]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Diana ran out of the building, leaving Hackerman to stew in his own pathetic juices. As Diana ran out the 'lips' of the palace, she noticed something horrible. The stairs were gone! Her stomach drops and she feels sick when she realizes there's only one thing to do.
[[Jump?]]Diana Moon is a middle aged wolf mom in her mid 40's. Her fur has a silvery-grey topcoat and white undercoat. The bridge of her snoot, tips of her ears, arms and legs are accented with a tan color. Her eyes are a striking shade of violet, and have a tired look to them.
She is rather tall, a few inches over 6 feet, even taller than her son. Diana has wide motherly hips and is somewhat chubby. This doesn't really bother her, and she chooses to embrace it.
She is wearing a pair of tight jeans with a purple and brown striped sweater which fits snugly. A pair of gold-rimmed round glasses are perched on her muzzle. Her claws are painted the same shade of violet as her eyes.
Diana is an easygoing lady. She just tries to live a quiet life, but is often prone to chase whatever pleasures she can. She is also rather sassy, and prone to make snarky comments in many situations. Despite her nature, she is very protective of her son, Damien, whom she views as a companion as well as a child. She is individualistic, and values freedom to live one's life above all else. Despite this she is not selfish and is willing to do anything those she truly loves.
[[Starting Page]]Diana prepares a fireball while the Youma is watching Angela.
(colour:"red")["fire"] Diana whispers as she shoots a fireball straight at the Youma.
(colour:"orange")["Did you really think it would be that easy?"] the Youma says with a smug grin as he makes a swinging motion with his arm. The fireball instead hits a cheeseburger lying on a nearby table, sending it up in flames like a bonfire.
[[Cast Mage Weapon on Angela]]Angela holds the stick out to her side and flicks her wrist. The weapon reveals itself to be a small whip! Why Angela would have that is anyone's guess, but hey, why question a good thing.
"Mage weapon!" Diana says to herself. A faint red glare can be seen radiating from the whip. The two women nod to eachother.
[[Continue|Mageweapon2]]Diana, cornered and with nowhere no to, jumps down into the never ending chasm. Her life flashes before her eyes as she falls into the pit, the florescent landscape around her quickly going out of view.
Diana swears she can hear(colour:"red")["𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒏❜𝒕 𝒔𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒆❟ 𝑫𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒂!"] as she falls.
[[Continue to fall]]Angela swings her whip at the Youma, but the whip stops in midair a few inches away from striking him.
(colour:"orange")["Did you really think it would be that easy?"] the Youma says with a smug grin as he makes a swinging motion with his arm. Angela suddenly flies off to the side, making her drop onto a table full of multiple plates stacked high with pancakes.
(colour:"orange")["Enjoy your pancakes, bitch."] the Youma says, holding his hands to his chin and giggling like a kindergardener.
"Angela! Angela are you ok!" Diana screams, fearing her poor girlfriend was hurt by the attack.
Angela groans, coverred in pancakes and syrup (colour:#32cd32)["Uhhh... I'm fine, just give me a breather..."] she groans as she picks a pancake off her face, rolling herself off the table and dusting those pancakes off her body.
Diana's head whips back toward the Youma and growls at him. Several baskets full of bread seem to be floating around the Youma's head, and in an instant they are all launched towards Diana!
[[Use fire as a shield to stop the bread]]
[[Freeze the bread]]
[[Knock the bread out of the air as it flies todards you]]Diana holds out her arm and rotates it in a clockwise circle. It looks like something out of a cheesy 80's workout vhs tape, but it creats a disc of fire in front of Diana's body.
The wicker baskets and the rolls within are burnt to ashes as they touch the flames, dropping harmlessly to the ground. The youma slams his foot on the ground and growls.
(colour:"orange")["Stupid! How could you do that!"] a nearby table starts to lift into the air. (colour:"orange")["Take this!"]
[[Try to dodge]](colour:"blue")["Ice!"] Diana chants, freezing the bread. However, this makes the problem worse, as the breadbaskets hitting Diana are now rock-hard ice breadbaskets, which knock her to the ground.
[[Try Again|Mageweapon2]]Diana picks up a nearby chair and attempts to slap the bread out of the air.
...Unsurprisingly she is unsuccessful, and the bread slams into her with outstanding force, knocking her on the ground...
[[Try Again|Mageweapon2]]Diana tries to roll away, but the table looks inescapable at this point...
And it stops inches away.
Behind Diana stands Angela, holding back the table.
(colour:#32cd32)["You remember my [[powers]], don't you, sweetie? I can copy his attacks. But this... Doing so much so suddenly is very exhausting..." she is gritting her teeth and breaking a sweat as she tries to keep the Youma's attack at bay.]
Next to Diana is that wand she picked up at the anime store. She grabs it out of reflex and notices it is oddly... warm? Words pop into her head.
[[Tsukini Kawate Oshiyokiyo]]Angela has the ability to copy enemy attacks by taking "notes" about them. In this case, she has copied the Youma's telekinesis-like power and is using it to cancel out the movement he is putting on the table.
[[Try to dodge]](set: $transformknowlege to true)Diana whispers these words while holding the wand. Newfound strength courses through her body, and she is simply able to push the table out of the way. It drops to the floor as the two other fighters watch intently.
A brilliant light radiates from Diana. As the light bathes her body, her clothes appear to disappear. Diana's naked form makes Angela's eyes light up, and she watches with her muzzle wide open in excitement. The Youma tries to hide his boner by stepping behind a chair.
(colour:yellow)[**"In the name of the moon, I will punish you!"**] Diana is suddenly in her [["sorceress outfit"]].
The fox only shrugs. (colour:"orange")["What is this, a kid's show?"]
Diana shakes her head. "Nope, it's anime." Now how did this show work again?
(colour:#32cd32)["I think you like, throw a disc or something?"]
(colour:"orange")["HA! First a kid's show, now you want to find a disc? Trying to play frisbee or something, dog woman? Try catching it in your mouth like a good pet."] the fox grins.
[[Throw a nearby object]]Diana wakes up, having fallen into yet another strange rhealm, lying in a grassy field surrounded by big pink flowers and mushrooms with smiley faces. A [[teenaged girl]] walks up to her, looking down at her.
"Yo, looks like you're having a rough time here. Hold on, let me get you back... You came in from the mall, right? Ahh..."
Diana wants to respond, but no words come from her mouth. Several classical statues like the ones she saw earlier surround her, magically lifting her in the air. The last thing Diana can remember, and very faintly, is the girl's smiling face and being shoved into a TV screen.
[[Continue|End]]The teenaged girl is about Damien's height, fair skinned, and has long straight black hair. A she has bangs coverring her right eye.
She is wearing jeans with a blue and white track jacket, like the ones college atheletes usually wear. There is a university's emblem, but Diana cannot make it out.
She has a warm, friendly smile on her face. Seeing this girl gives Diana a sense of being with a trustworthy person.
[[Return|Continue to fall]]Just as she came into the strange world, Diana is standing in front of the mall directory. The mall is all but empty, except for two wolves who stand before Diana.
(colour:"pink")["You *work* with that Tom guy? How the hell do you get anything done Damien"]
(colour:#cd3278)["Last week he... Mom!"]
The two wolves, Damien and Freya, turn to face Diana.
(colour:"pink")["Diana! I... I went and got your son after you disappeared! They tried to close the mall of but we snuck inside, uff da."] Freya says with a slight smile.
Damien cries tears of joy (colour:#cd3278)["Mom... I was so worried... You'll have to tell me EVERYTHING when we get home! Maybe Freya can cook us all dinner."] Damien laughs and Freya crosses her arms.
Diana replies "I'd be glad to."
[[Hug Damien|Credits]]
Game and writing by Idontknow
Momwolf graphic by Fenrir Lunaris
The Twine Developers for creating the engine
This tutorial:
Thanks for playing!Diana's Sorceress Outfit is a purple bra-like top with a purple loincloth and knee-high purple boots. The outfit is accented with golden colors.
Diana often wears it for halloween, much to her son's embarassment. She has no idea why the wand put her into this outfit, but she loves wearing it and showing off.
[[Return|Tsukini Kawate Oshiyokiyo]]There is a [[hat]] lying on a nearby table.
Diana picks up the hat and announces (colour:yellow)[**"Eat my hat, youma. MOON TIARA ACTION!"**]
Somewhere in midair the hat turned into a flat disc of light, speeding square toward the fox. It hit him square in the chest. He staggerred back, and gasped.
(colour:orange)[//"LOVEELLLLYYYYY!"//] He shreiked as he dissapated into air.
Shortly after the fox disappeared, Diana's clothes reverted back to her purple and brown sweater with those tight mom-jeans. She looked down at her hands in shock and looked back at Angela.
Angela scratched her head (colour:#32cd32)["I dunno, you're the one into all the magical artifacts."]
The people around the restaurant all start waking up and looking around.
[[Sneak out of there before people start suspecting you]]The hat appears to be a fedora, the kind that fat socially awkward guys who spend all day thinking about my little ponies or whatever wear.
Ok fine, it's a trillby. Happy?
[[Return|Throw a nearby object]]The two women get a safe distance away from Georgies before putting their arms around eachother and embracing. After sharing a kiss Diana looks into Angela's green eyes and whispers "Don't worry, I'll make sure the next date goes better."
Angela blushes and looks back at Diana with puppy dog eyes and says (colour:#32cd32)["Y-yes... Please just be careful!"]
[[Part ways for now and get back to hacker hunting|Appleville]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Good idea! Eagle Eye increases Diana's ability to dodge by letting her sense attacks before they happen. (set: $eagleeye1 to true)
[[Continue fighting|Greek Bust Battle]]Diana casts another ice spell at the statue as Freya rushes in. She's usually pretty prim and proper, but when the going gets tough that girl can be a real insanity wolf.
The statue spasms a bit and shakes as Freya jumps on it, punching and biting it. You swear her teeth turn almost icy while she bites. Does Freya have her own magical powers?
While Freya wears down the statue, it smacks her off its body. She flies to the side and rolls on the ground, lying in a ball and panting, trying to regain her strength so she can attack again. However, the statue pays no heed to Freya and instead jumps right back up and barrels towards Diana!
[[Stand your ground and cast more magic]]
(if: $gumballs is true)[Turn tail and [[try to run]]]
[[Ponder the situation a little longer|Greek Bust Battle Phase 2]]To get her mind off everything that just happens, Diana decides to go on a shopping trip.
The Appleville mall is as bleak as ever... Diana decides to take a trip into an anchor store.
(colour:"pink")["Hey, Diana!"]
[[Spend some time with Freya]]Diana decided to tell Angela everything else that happened to her today over dinner, and where else to get dinner than the loveable, local restaurant known as Georgies? At what other place can you order pancakes with cheesecake filling at 2am?
Diana and Angela enjoyed a nice meal, thankfully uninteruppted by any spellcasters or people suspicious of the mysterious "spontaneous nap" the entire restaurant took recently.
However, this time they wanted to be daring, and feel young again, going at 10 and getting as many LEMUNAYDs as they could before the bar closed at 12. All the local teens and junior college kids would walk in, astounded by the two women. Some, who recognized Angela as their teacher, simply said nothing and hid behind their menu.
A an hour passed, and even the groups of teens started to become sparse.
[[Continue|And]]Double-click this passage to edit it.(colour:"red")["I AM MAKISHI UCHICHIHA! I LOVE MY FRIENDS, ANIME AND VORE! I HATE RUDE PEOPLE!"]
It's almost like some enourmous scrublord made a fake colorswapped Diana because he is too creatively dull to come up with his own wolfgirl. Wierd...
[[Go Back|Flirt with Diana]]Double-click this passage to edit it.“Oh, hello Freya. Nice to see you.” Diana said. Freya was much younger than her, and the young wolfess acts a bit… snarly quite often, but it's better than shopping alone.
“Going shopping Miss Moon? I hear they're having a sale down at scarves-r-us, the scarves there are soooo much better than the scarves here, the material is just...” Freya seems prepared to talk Diana's ears off.
“Now now, before you cut this place down why don't we do some shopping together?” Diana offers to the younger wolf. She was curious about what fashionable young women like her wore nowadays.
“Well, this place is pretty lame, and all the sales are because they're just **hemorrhaging** money, but why not I suppose.” Freya shrugs and walks next to Diana.
[[Go shopping!!!!]]Freya and Diana browse the clothes of the department store. The two find out they actually have some fashion likes and dislikes in common, although Freya is much more scrutinizing. And wears much less revealing clothes.
Eventually the two women walk behind a rack of gaudy scarves near the west wall of the store. The store is slightly more crowded than usual, but nobody is in this section.
“Hahaha! Look at these ugly scarves!” Freya laughed, pointing to one of the scarves. “No wonder a scarves-r-us is still open here, no competition!” she said before walking behind the display to look at a coat.
[[...Stick your hand down Freya's pants]]Diana stood behind Freya and slowly slipped a hand down her pants. She tensed up as the older wolf softly brushed against the young woman's coarse pubic hair, and whispered “This is what you want, isn't it Freya” into her ear. Her pubes were quite nicely trimmed, unlike Diana's often unruly bush. “Shaving, huh? Trying to impress someone?” she buried her muzzle into Freya's neck fluff.
The younger woman blushed as the motherly wolf held her in her arms and molested her in broad daylight. “Uff da... What are you doing...” she moaned. Freya would normally grumble about how uncouth this behavior was, but she always wondered what it would be like to play around with another woman in public...
Freya's demeanor changed in an instant, and she softly said to Diana “Take off your pants.”
Diana's eyes shot open. She let Freya go from her grasp and stepped away, looking at her.
“Come on Diana, don't you want to see what a young lady can do?” Freya asked with a snide grin.
[[Take off your pants]]Diana slipped off her tight jeans, her wide hips and fat ass completely exposed except for a pair of black lacy panties, sheer enough to leave nothing to the imagination. Her pubic hair was overgrown, a lot of it was sticking out from under her panties.
“All of it. Who cares if we're in public, right?” Freya laughed as she took off her own pants and panties. Underneath her pants Freya wore a little pink thong which covered up just the goodies and nothing else, and her pussy and pucker were the same brown color as her nipples. She had a little bit of pubic hair trimmed neatly in the classic martini style, but the rest of her nether regions were shaved clean. She pointed to Diana's panties “Oh and get on your knees.”
[[Bare it all]]Diana slipped her panties down her leg and kicked them off to the side. “B-but this is so lewd...” she said as she bent over.
Freya only smiled. “You're the one who got me in the mood, hmmm?” Freya walked behind Diana, giving her fat bare milf ass a loud SMACK. “I wonder if anybody heard that?” she mused to herself before getting down on her knees. Diana's back was as hairy as her front. Her pussy lips were almost buried in rough brown hair, and hair was growing freely around the entire circumference of her asshole. Freya loved this, so much hair and musk… She reached her muzzle in, bumping her nose against the pucker of Diana's ass, and took a big whiff.
“Wow Diana, this is incredible! I never would have thought the source of all that musk would be so heavenly!” she took another deep whiff “You should try not showering for a few days sometime.”
Suddenly Diana could feel something wet and warm on her tightest hole, moving in a circular motion. Diana put two and two together: Her son's crush was giving her a rimjob behind a rack of gaudy scarves.
Freya removed her muzzle from Diana's ass for a second and softly spoke “I'd give you a reacharound, but I bet a woman like you gets off to just anal, hmmm?” her lips so close to Diana's donut that she could feel the vibrations of the air with each word. “Now, time to give momma kiss...” Freya pressed her lips against Diana's pucker and gave it a kiss, making sure to get her tongue in there nice and good, before going back to licking it.
She moaned softly, starting to hear Freya's course pubic hair being ruffled around, she was probably playing with it as she licked and tongued it. Freya's rimming was getting faster and deeper, Diana could feel the wetness of her saliva and her tongue penetrating her asshole.
Sometimes Freya would come up for air and whisper something dirty, like “Miss Moon, you're such a dirty slut, letting another bitch lick your asshole in the middle of a store… I thought you had more class.” it was an interesting experience to Diana, getting dirty talked by a lady who was muzzle deep in licking the dirtiest hole of your body, but she loved it, only replying to these whispers with a soft moan or “Oh Freya...”
[[Continue|freyasex]]The rimming went on for a good while. Diana was surprised that nobody had discovered the two bitches. Freya gave Diana's ass another slap, it's fat rippling from where Freya's tan-furred hand made impact with it. “Hmmm, I'm almost over the edge now, ready to cum?” she huffed with a heavy pant.
“Y-yes, before someone finds us...” Diana said cautiously, blushing and looking around, hoping the loud slap caught the attention of no onlookers. The whole affair was pleasurable, but dangerous… which made it so much more fun. She was sure a few shoppers must have gave them a glance, but just decided to ignore the display and pretend they never saw it.
[[Get finished off]]Freya gave one last thrust with her muzzle, forcing the entire tip of her muzzle into Diana's musky asshole, licking the insides of it as much as she could as she rubbed her clit vigorously. Diana groaned and moaned in pleasure as Freya's warm tongue sent her over the edge of orgasm. Her neglected pussy dripped its fluid down her leg and onto the floor as Freya helped her achieve that elusive anal orgasm.
After feeling her partner had reached her climax, Freya pulled her muzzle out of Diana's ass with a wet suction noise. She admired her work as Diana's hole closed up, and pushed herself over the edge, giving her clit one last rub. During the last parts of the rimjob she was rubbing her bushy bits so hard that some of her hair rubbed off onto the floor. She could see Diana's cum dripping into the carpet, and smiled.
Diana stood up, collecting her pants and putting them on, trying to ignore the mess she made all over the floor and on her leg. She was relieved to get off the floor, being on her hands and knees this long was starting to hurt her back. Before she could slip those tight jeans on her ass Freya gave it one last smack.
“Good girl. Now let's get our pants on and hit up scarves r us, I hear a new shipment of infinity scarves just got in.” she said as she stood up and collected her clothes.
[[Reflect on this experienc...|Credits]]The two women decided to pay their check and leave. Stumbling out and holding eachother's hands, the two were walking home when they passed the alley behind Georgies.
Angela shoved her face in front of Diana and whisperred "Oh Diana, do we really have to wait til you get back to my place?" she pointed to the alley "C'mon babe, just a quickie?"
Diana blushed "B-but that would be *so lewd!*" she replied.
Angela giggled "I know... Which makes it even more fun. Come on!" She grabbed Diana's hand tighter and led her into the alley.
[[Into the alley]]Angela pulled Diana into the alley, nearly knocking her down. She let go of the wolfess' hand and stumbled foreward, almost falling over but catching herself on the brick wall of the back of the restaurant. The only light in this alley was a small lamp above the back door of the restaurant and the moon above them.
"Come on Diana, wolves *love* full moons? Gonna awoo for me?" Angela barked. She'd already started taking off her top and was undoing her bra. "Awoo! Awoo!" she teased.
[[Watch her undress]]Diana blushed as Angela unclasped her bra. She held the cups of it up with both hands, groping herself and sticking her tongue out at Diana to tease her.
"Oooh Diana, won't you come play with your naughty pup?" she said with a seductive growl before throwing the bra over her shoulder. The collie's big breasts burst out from their lacy prison, hanging off her chest and onto her chubby body. They were quite plump, with wide, pink areolas and broad nipples. They sagged a bit, but it only made them look more plush and squishy. Diana knew one way to make her puppy bark was to suck and tug her nipples.
Diana just stood there, her face was beet red but she still had a cool, blank expression on her face.
Angela giggled "Don't be such a fuddy duddy!" she had already taken off her pants, and was walking towards Diana with her lacy white panties in her mouth, exposing her nether reigon. She was quite hairy, like Diana, but she seemed to take more time to groom her bush instead of letting it grow unfettered.
[[Might as well join her]]Diana shrugs and starts taking off her clothes. She doesn't do any sexy motions, but she make sure not to break eye contact with Angela as she does it.
Angela looks at her lovers naked body and squeals with delight. "Ohhh Diana, let's get down and dirty, hmm?" Diana sat down next to her on the ground, it was dirty but she was so inebrieated it just didn't matter to her.
Angela sat across from Diana, spreading her legs wide to show off her goods. Her toes curled and she had a flirty smirk on her face. She groped her right breast with her right hand, making sure to tug and squeeze her nipple, squirting a little milk in Diana's direction. "Come on Diana babe, it's time for some milk."
[[Suck]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.(set: $icespell to true)(set: $gumball to true)Diana makes an attempt to dodge the pink beam, but it hits its target. Diana's body is ingulfed by the beam and she falls to the ground, defeated. As her head lies on the cold, mall floor, she can hear Freya scream and cry out to her as she slips out of consciousness.
[[GAME OVER...|gameoverstatue]]Don't worry, just give it another try. Maybe use some buff spells this time or pay attention to the environment of the mall.
(set: $icespell to false)(set: $gumball to false)(set: $wandstatue to false)(set: $tomdown to false)
[[Try Again|Greek Bust Battle]]Double-click this passage to edit it.